Drug Possession: Current Issues on Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs

Various researches and surveys are going on since two decades regarding the safe handling of hazardous drugs and the perilous effects of hazardous drugs on mankind due to the disinfection of the environment. There are a numbers of evidences that reveals the potential of these harmful drugs to cause short term and long term effects on human life. Workers engaged in various pharmaceutical industries are more vulnerable to the disastrous effects of these drugs. This article is all about the current issues related to safe handling of hazardous drugs and minimizing the risks of exposures.


As different pharmaceutical manufacturing industries and health care units use many harmful chemicals and toxicants in the medicine manufacturing process, these drugs possess a potential health risk to workers engaged in various drug related activities like manufacture, administration, storage, disposal, waste treatment etc. Chemotherapy that is used as a treatment of cancer also includes medications that contains harmful chemicals and can cause serious damages to workers monitoring them. These medicines are manufactured using the cytotoxic and antineoplastic drugs that are highly lethal and causes respiratory and reproductive disorders, skin allergies, chromosomal aberrations, and congenital malformations, loss of eyesight, infertility, leukemia and even cancer. Different healthcare sectors have published the guidelines to protect the professionals being exposed to these hazardous drugs.


The guidelines recommend the use of safety equipments that can prevent the accidental leakages and spills. It also includes various engineering controls and work practices. But disinfection has been found on the floors and outside of the biological safety cabinets even after the implementation of the safety devices. There is a persistent and a frequent contamination of the environment where hazardous drugs are handled. This has become a serious concern for the pharmaceutical engineers. Hence, new safety devices such as closed system drug transfer devices have been designed by pharmaceutical engineers for safe handling of hazardous drugs.


For more information on Safe handling of hazardous drugs and the benefits of Closed system drug transfer devices in minimizing the effects of hazardous drugs please visit the mentioned website

Drug Possession: Man pleads not guilty to drug and stolen property charges
KEITH WHITCOMB JR. BENNINGTON — A Bennington man was charged Monday with drug and stolen property possession in relation to a police investigation into several thefts from cars in Bennington, Pownal, and Williamstown, Mass.
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Fourteen individuals were arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance or possession with the intent to distribute at the Officer/McBride Park on 24th and St. Clair Avenue.
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