Drug Possession: Racially Based Jury Nullification – Professor Paul Butler on 60 Minutes
Drug Possession: Racially Based Jury Nullification – Professor Paul Butler on 60 Minutes
Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes investigates Professor Paul Butler’s theory of jury nullification outlined in his article Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black Power in the Criminal Justice System, published in the Yale Law Journal. Since the production of this piece in 1995, Professor Paul Butler has modified his original thesis and now advocates what he calls “strategic jury nullification 2.0.” Professor Butler argues that the criminal justice system is broken, not just in regards to African-American defendants, but indeed to all of society. In his book, Let’s Get Free, Professor Butler criticizes America’s “lock ’em up” culture, and he argues that, before voting to convict, jurors should always consider the fairness of the law under which the defendant is prosecuted and the societal costs of incarceration. Specifically, he argues that jurors should nullify when the defendant is charged with a non-violent and victimless crime, such as drug possession or drug dealing between consenting adults. For more information on Professor Butler’s book, Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice, visit www.letsgetfreethebook.com For more information on jury nullification, visit http For more information on Professor Paul Butler, visit www.professorpaulbutler.com
Drug Possession: Napa man arrested on suspicion of selling methamphetamine
A 59-year-old man was arrested Friday in Napa after drug agents allegedly found him in possession of suspected methamphetamine, authorities said.
Read more on Napa Valley Register
Drug Possession: Duo get 27 years and 10 strokes for drug possession
GEORGE TOWN: Two friends were jailed a total of 27 years each by a High Court after they admitted to four charges of drug possession.
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Its the same reason abortion rates skyrocket when conservatives shape policy. Because their ideology forces them to preach abstinence only which fails in practice completely. Unwanted pregnancies go through the roof and abortions come up. Then progressives come along and make logical changes like teaching safe sex and kids at least wear condoms and take BC. So unwanted pregnancies go down along with abortions. Does that make too much sense for you?
@MicroAppleStudios You think two years in prison is not that bad? That’s crazy. We are the most punishment centric nation in the developed world and yet the crime rate is fucked. Holland has an incredibly low crime rate, but has a very progressive approach to crime. You really have no idea how far to the right this country already is. I’m sorry, but I’d rather go to war with you than let you turn us into some old testament 3rd world theocracy.
@Breakyerself If were so soft on crime why do we have more of our population in jail that any other nation on earth? because they get out thinking that wasn’t so bad, then they start back up… see if a man steals again after he loses his right hand.. or if he will rape another person when hes been cut off… and for Texas… They have a high murder rate because of the very high drug trafficing and trade mainly illegal immigrants
Then theres the claim that these insane cruel laws work. If thats the case why does Texas have such a high murder rate? They execute the most criminals there. You would think that if harsh punishment deterred crime that they would have the lowest murder rate. The only conclusion that I can draw is that the death penalty creates a culture where people are comfortable with the idea of humans killing other humans and therefore have an easier time rationalizing when they wish to kill someone.
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As for your law and order RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE and your claim that we aren’t harsh enough in our punishment of criminals. I’m wondering how you square that fantasy with the actual reality. Which is that the USA holds 5% of the worlds population within its borders, but also holds 25% of the worlds prison population. If were so soft on crime why do we have more of our population in jail that any other nation on earth?
@MicroAppleStudios I wasn’t raised in a strict family and I think if you met me you would have a hard time applying your BS stereotypes to me. My cousins were raised in a strict family and some of them turned out great and some have had problems with drugs. I base my parenting on the love I have for my kids and the information I’ve gathered about developmental psychology. You can have fun being the badass head of your household, but I’m using techniques supported by evidence. Ever heard of it?
@Breakyerself The “Backwards mid-evil laws” worked didnt they?.. We have nothing but slap on the wrist laws.. you steal something you get 2 years in prison.. ooooooooooo.. you rape somebody, u get 5-10 years and a blimp over your house on googlemaps.. ooooooooooo.. Notice how kids raised by a strict parent that gives alot of punishment, usually acts and respects better.. but unpunished kids whos parents dont care usually turn to drugs and crime… Ill keep on believing what i want, U do the same
@MicroAppleStudios I love how you conservative fucks demonize Muslims and shit on their constitutional rights then idolize the backwards mid-evil laws of islamic nationss. Gee whiz if only we could have a brutally oppressive theocracy like those guys. Then we could save all these sinners. Obviously Iran has found the key to a harmonic society and we should mold ourselves in their image. TWAT!
I absolutely agree with him.
“Let defendants go free even if they’re guilty”- that is faulty thinking. A defendant is only guilty if the jury convicts him, that is why we have juries- the letter of the law is just a starting point, a way to quantify everything that possibly, under any conceivable set of circumstances could be so wrong as to require a legal remedy- that doesn’t mean every single time someone violates the law they should be convicted. De minimis non curat lex.
7:18 … ok so its racist to convivt a african american for posetion of drugs and use of drugs even after seeing the tape? how about the proven facts that african americans have a lower overall IQ lvl. or that African A. are 8 times more likely to commit a crime than any other race.. you let a troubling black man free… he will be back in jail be the end of the week… we need to do like the middle east.. steal something, you lose your hand. you take a life, we take yours
Racism masquerading itself as Social Justice from a punk ass law professor.
The reason we have a country is the Rule of Law.
I’m white and I agree. Jury nullification is a right. Excersizing rights is not anarchy. Trial by jury is what it is and as jurors we have the right to supercede lawmakers. This is one of our most important rights.
“These ethnic groups haven’t had the same hatred visited upon them as African Americans..’
Are you kidding?