Possession of Cocaine: Urban Meyer QUITS! Derrell Johnson-Koulianos BUSTED! One Flies the Coop, the Other Runs It!

Possession Of Cocaine: Urban Meyer QUITS! Derrell Johnson-Koulianos BUSTED! One flies the coop, the other runs it!

This vid covers the Urban Meyer resignation from Florida and Iowa receiver Johnson-Koulianos getting charged with possession of cocaine, marajuana and multiple perscription pain killers and muscle relaxers. Not to mention running a drug house. I go over Meyer’s career and wonder if he really was that good and just how dumb must Koulianos be?

Possession Of Cocaine: Drug trafficking gets a warning
Angelle Leriche’s most recent trouble with the law started about a year ago when she was caught selling cocaine to another woman at the Estaire Gas Bar, a Sudbury court heard. Since then, the 22-year-old was caught pawning stolen rings and breaching court orders.[…]
Read more on The Sudbury Star

Possession Of Cocaine: Mexcian couple accused of trafficking cocaine, counterfeit I.D.s and Social Security cards
CHURCH HILL β€” A second married couple of alleged illegal aliens have been arrested in Church Hill accused of selling cocaine from their residence in a mobile home park.
Read more on Kingsport Times-News

Possession Of Cocaine: Guilty verdict in retrial
WEST CHESTER β€” A Coatesville man was found guilty Tuesday of dropping two full bags of crack cocaine on the floor of a security garage at the city’s police station.
Read more on Daily Local News

More Possession Of Cocaine Information…

15 Responses to “Possession of Cocaine: Urban Meyer QUITS! Derrell Johnson-Koulianos BUSTED! One Flies the Coop, the Other Runs It!”

  • mooneycards30:

    got adopted by greeks not italians

  • thecarl213:

    your an idiot a town of like 7 thousand people? your on crack there is like four times that number attending the university alone. o and thanks for saying urban meyer was good with zooks players like 5 times we understood the 1st time. waste of time even writing this shit is a waste of time but fuck it ive already written it.

  • MrBoxing360:

    @bigragu ye thats wht they are saying, but i get the feeling wlad see’s a popssible early showdown with haye next year. so i dont think its so much of a injury withdrawl, but a smart one, and apparently adam booth hayes trainer has flone out to speak with wlads representatives about taking chisora’s place early next year, so i hope this all comes through because as much as i love chisora. haye-wlad would make for a much better fight, reason being i think haye would beat wlad ….

  • bigragu:

    @okcboi the watermark was sooo huge in the first vid i redid it and reposted.

  • bigragu:

    @thehun1314 I don’t know…

  • bigragu:

    @steelcitydawn WOW! That is some crazy a** fanatic stuff!

  • bigragu:

    @MrBoxing360 Yeah, they said he has a 2 inch tear in his abdominal muscles

  • bigragu:

    @MyFunzy LOL! Thanks!

  • bigragu:

    @AdamGomez87 Awww man, noooooooooooo! πŸ™‚

  • AdamGomez87:

    I think Nikolai Valuev should be in the boxing hall of fame for being that awesome c:

    Technically doesn’t he got in the hall of fame for being the largest/tallest recorded heavyweight boxer to date?

  • MyFunzy:

    pardon my french but u r F*ken hillarious… RAGU!!

  • MrBoxing360:

    dude did you hear about wladimir klitchsko pulling out of the derek chisora fight with just 3 days till the fight?. this makes me sad πŸ™

  • steelcitydawn:

    Living in FL. I would equate Gator fans with Steeler fans.
    CRAZY. They flat out blamed Urban & in my humble opinion, he prolly feared for his life.
    On two other notes;
    I wear Seminole’s shirts just for the reaction.
    Come on January 2nd πŸ˜‰

  • J0ker4u:

    I HATE coaches like that!

  • thehun1314:

    Dude, Why does you vidz take so long to download now?…..