War to End War on Drugs Gains Allies on Right Flank – Sydney Morning Herald

Illegal Drug Possession: War to end war on drugs gains allies on right flank – Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

War to end war on drugs gains allies on right flank
Sydney Morning Herald
Melbourne's cycle of gang warfare has been fuelled by the illegal industries that have grown up around prohibition. In 2001, Portugal decriminalised everything from marijuana to heroin. Drug trafficking remained a crime, but possession and use became

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Illegal Drug Possession – Google News

Illegal Drug Possession: Mephedrone is more popular than ecstasy among UK clubbers despite being banned – The Guardian

The Guardian

Mephedrone is more popular than ecstasy among UK clubbers despite being banned
The Guardian
They wanted to take more and were prepared to seek it out and buy it on the illegal market." Of the 308 people questioned in a survey at two clubs in south London one night last summer, 89% revealed that they had tried an illegal drug at least once in

Illegal Drug Possession – Google News

Illegal Drug Possession: Aiding Insecurity: Four Years of Mexico’s Drug War – truthout


Aiding Insecurity: Four Years of Mexico's Drug War
Having decriminalized personal drug possession, Mexico has already turned against the kind of drug prohibition policies advocated by the US federal government. Whatever Mexico does with respect to drug treatment or legalization, the market for illegal

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Illegal Drug Possession – Google News

Illegal Drug Possession: Three Knoxville businesses cited as public nuisances, closed
Authorities on Tuesday evening closed three businesses, citing them as public nuisances where illegal drug sales have been rampant.
Read more on Knoxville News Sentinel

Illegal Drug Possession: Drug laws save Philadelphia million
Grace Ortelere In one year, the Small Amounts of Marijuana program has saved Philadelphia an estimated $ 2 million and thousands arrested for small possession from fines and imprisonment. Under SAM, which was enacted in June 2010, those arrested for possession of up to 30 grams of marijuana can complete an educational class instead of face prosecution. Before the program, “we were spending a lot …
Read more on Daily Pennsylvanian

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