Fine for Crack Cocaine Possession – Royal Gazette

Possession of Cocaine: Fine for crack cocaine possession – Royal Gazette

Fine for crack cocaine possession
Royal Gazette
A 35-year-old Southampton man caught with crack cocaine has been fined in Magistrates' Court. Tio Smith, of Scenic Heights Road, was searched by police on the night of February 26, after officers on patrol at the Southampton Rangers

Possession of Cocaine – Google News

Possession of Cocaine: Felony arrests, June 13 – Pensacola News Journal

Felony arrests, June 13
Pensacola News Journal
Jonathon Edward McLeod, 23, 300 block of Hansen Boulevard, possession of cocaine. Annalise Marie Melton, 23, 100 block of East Nine Mile Road, possession of drugs, possession of cocaine, smuggling contraband. Maurice Carnell Newberry, 37, 1400 block of

Possession of Cocaine – Google News

Possession Of Cocaine: Somalian Alberta Turf War Shows No End

He came to Alberta looking to pay for university, instead allegedly finding drugs and bad friends. Now, his slain body will lay in Alberta forever, his name marked on a long list of dead young Somali-Canadian men. Abdinasir Abdulkadir Dirie wont make it to first-year university this fall, the kind of prosperous future his father sought for his family when he immigrated. I thought Canada is a peace country. (It offered) a future for my life, my children. This is a very bad thing.said Abdulkadir Tarambi, the 19-year-olds father. Abdulkadir Dirie was a native of Toronto. He was set to study computer science at York University in the fall, and saw prosperous Alberta as a way to pay for it, said Tarambi. (Young people) heard in Alberta you can get an easy job, get a lot of money, said Tarambi. In August 2008, he moved to Edmonton, staying with his older brother in Edmonton and working at Tim Hortons. Then he headed to Fort McMurray with an oil and gas job. By January, he was in trouble. According to the RCMP, Abdulkadir Dirie was arrested alongside four other young men, including a minor, in a Fort McMurray apartment Jan. 22. All were charged with possession of cocaine for trafficking and possession of proceeds of crime under 00. Abdulkadir Dirie was released on 0 bail, while his alleged associates paid thousands to be released. The last time his family heard from Abdulkadir Dirie was April 20, said family friend Mohamed Mohamed. Abdulkadir Dirie told his mother, as he

Possession Of Cocaine: Police seize drugs, scales in two raids
HAMILTON — A joint effort by Hamilton and Middletown police led to the seizure of more than 160 grams of crack and cocaine and more than 160 marijuana plants.Hamilton police say that after being pulled over for a traffic stop, Willie S. Mattox, 38, of 991 Kemper Meadow Drive in Forest Park, was allegedly found to be in possession of 7.3 grams of crack that was found in the gas tank door by a …
Read more on Middletown Journal

Possession Of Cocaine: Cocaine bust lands three in jail
Three Heartland women are behind bars following an alleged cocaine bust.
Read more on KTVO Kirksville

Possession Of Cocaine: Cocaine, bullet-proof vest, gun seized in Chadwicks raid
A woman faces several charges after 2 ounces of cocaine, a loaded handgun and a bullet-proof vest were found in her residence, state police said.
Read more on The Observer-Dispatch

More Possession Of Cocaine Information…

22 Responses to “Fine for Crack Cocaine Possession – Royal Gazette”

  • SPS148669:


    what goes around comes around. You conquered the Native American and boasted about it. Now it;s time for Africa, Middle East and Mexicans to return the favor by conquering white America with all the crime and stuff since you did it to the Native American first.

  • Airportris:

    @RoyalistCavalier not too mention where exactly would you like these “black” people to go back to in Africa? its been destroyed by capitalist countries and corporations. as well exploited for its resources and “robbed” of there born rights to the resources of the land. and just so your aware the highest immigration is not from “black” countries , in North America More Asians have immigrated in the last 25 years then all Africa combined, shall we talk about Mexico?

  • Airportris:

    @RoyalistCavalier “blacks are a negative influence” lol so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even need to comment on your ignorance. its funny race hating people like your self always try to use statistics to lump groups of people together for your own personal interests and views, funny how it works out? many you should consider socio-economic factors? or how about the fact that most of the people generalized as black in the united states were in fact brought there by Europeans.

  • Airportris:

    @2pacalypse25 you would figure with a revolutionary name like 2pacalypse, you would be a little more open minded and accepting of others, but i guess you don’t actually listen to 2pac. by the way freedom exist everywhere, so a burka or No burka, people can wear whatever they want.

  • TheGangstaogloc:


  • RoyalistCavalier:

    I am sick and tired of blacks moving to white majority countries in Europe, Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand and turning whole neighbourhoods into crime and disease infested shantytows resembling Soeheto Johannesburg and Tivoli Gardens Jamaica. Blacks are a negative influence in these countries unlike the Asian populaitons who work hard and are lawabiding people who contribute great things to society, economy of these countries. Time to stop all black immigration ASAP.

  • RoyalistCavalier:

    @fatuma909 The Europeans did not steal the Native American land, they conquered it and now it belongs to Europeans. Europeans defeated the Native Americans and won the right to colonize and govern the lands in the America’s. Did you know that Japanese people are not native to Japan but to Asia (China and Korea) and infact invaded and conquered the Native Japanese (Ainu People) and won the righ to colonize and govern the Japanese Islands. So why dont you go back to Africa or to the West Indies.

  • 2pacalypse25:

    i dont care if there here in Canada but they should respect our rights,laws and freedoms. that “burka” shit should be illegal and if they wanna wear that they should move back to somalia or out of canada atleast. To me that just doesnt fit in our society, were not the middle east.

  • acronus:

    Why can’t there be civil discussion about this issue? Why do video’s like these attract the attention of loud mouthed morons?
    Race aside, what can be done about the overwhelming coke problem in Ft. Mac?
    What is happening in the Somali community?

  • gunsrule223:


  • fatuma909:

    wow all u Haterz need to chill Out Telling us to go back to somalia and we got what we deserve is not right it’s funny how u so called ( Amaricans who stole the native amaricans land and think it’s urs )think u can’t beat somalia but it’s funny how people love to remember when in the past they won but when someone els beats them the act like it never happened remember black Hawk Down when u people came to somalia and we kicked ur asses Lmao

  • fatuma909:

    @Whatever974 first how do u know he was a drug dealer the cops don’t even have any prof of that so don’t assume something with out any facts

  • fatuma909:

    @hujintaomustresign34 dude wtf ur so rude and disrespectful and it’s somali not somalian u don’t hear anyone saying shit about where u come from by the way what is ur race ?????

  • bigchicken24:

    @howie1962 go to hell

  • howie1962:

    Somaliis r worthless dogshit, & deserve everything they get
    dogshit can’t be muslim.

  • hujintaomustresign34:

    bumped his head, 3 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 2 little somalians jumping on the bed one got shot and bumped his head, 1 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 0 little somalians jumping on the bed, they’ve all been cleaned up by all their friends. Bye bye somalians……..all gone.

  • hujintaomustresign34:

    10 little indians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 9 little indians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 8 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 7 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 6 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 5 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped his head, 4 little somalians jumping on the bed, one got shot and bumped

  • Link00420:

    @Whatever974 I,m A Canadian From Alberta , And I Agree With you – Fully At least They aint talkin About the Other Race Groups This happens to And Fuck Off about the YouTube-Name I made it years ago, If you come to My Country Learn to Act Right And Respect Those Who were here Before you – Or you Can Stay in your Shit country Where you Fit in just Fine Random Opinion,Who Gives a Fuck things Will Tend to Happen anyway Based on Current Situations and other things

  • muslimahrose:

    @ howie1962-If ur a muslim may Allah guide you for saying something like that.And if ur not u have no right to pray to Allah for something Evil.People like u need some serious supplications May god be with u thats all u need !

  • hujintaomustresign34:

    @QueSeraSera23 You said it “somalis are the most racist” they got what they deserved. Pity they didn’t take the whole family out as well.

  • QueSeraSera23:

    @lilcoolkid2511 lol bullshit, these young somalis have every chance to do right just like every one else in this paradise land called Canada. Weren’t betrayed by anyone, they betrayed themselves and their families that want a good life for them. They choose to be drug dealers and hurt other people, they get killed for a reason. Most somali’s I’ve ever met are the most racist and violent people. Case closed.

  • Whatever974:

    @KayLovely96 He was a fucking drug dealing loser who threatened other peoples lives. He lived by the gun and he died by the gun. Good ridance to garbage.