Drug Possession: 1981 “Get High on Yourself” Anti-Drug Use PSA Produced by Robert Evans

Drug Possession: 1981 “Get High on Yourself” Anti-Drug Use PSA Produced by Robert Evans

In the late seventies, the drug problem had yet to reach the proportions it soon would. In 1981, NBC asked Hope not to make light of illicit drugs or their widespread use. We were told to cut the pot jokes — which up until then had been a regular staple in our submissions. For the rest of his career, Hope would never again mention hard drugs on the air. Then in the mid-eighties, he participated in a network-sponsored anti-drug campaign called “Get High on Yourself” produced by Robert Evans (Love Story, The Kid Stays in the Picture!) as part of the community service a judge had sentenced Evans to after a felony drug conviction. As it turned out, the spots were about as effective as Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign would be a few years later. But the project did serve to get a bunch of celebrities to gather at the NBC studios in Burbank to tape this clip. See how many of them you can identify.You can read all about the how Hope worked with his guests and his writers and what happened behind-the- scenes of these classic Bob Hope video clips by reading my book “THE LAUGH MAKERS: A Behind-the- Scenes Tribute to Bob Hope’s Incredible Gag Writers,” chosen a “Top 20” 2009 Year End Pick by Leonard Maltin who says… “Having spent twenty years writing for the indefatigable Bob Hope, and traveling all over the world, Bob Mills is well qualified to salute the famous corps of gagmen who kept the comedian knee-deep in jokes. These first-hand recollections summon up the final phase

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2 Responses to “Drug Possession: 1981 “Get High on Yourself” Anti-Drug Use PSA Produced by Robert Evans”

  • lakeviewviking:

    Evans was having enough trouble with? coke as it was. ; )

  • TheLaughMakers:

    Paul Newman, Carol Burnett, Henry Winkler, Mohammed Ali, Bob Hope… I think Evans taped it with a fog lens so it wouldn’t look too much like? the very similar Coke campaign “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony.” I’ll bet they threatened to sue him.