Law Making ALL Drug Possession a Misdemeanor Introduced in California
Drug Possession: Law Making ALL Drug Possession A Misdemeanor Introduced In California
California lawmakers are considering a law that would make the possession of small amounts of any drug a misdemeanor. State Sen. Mark Leno (D), who introduced the bill, touted the revision as a way to alleviate overcrowding in state prisons and county jails, and save millions of dollars in the process. “There is no evidence to suggest that long prison sentences deter or limit people from abusing drugs,” Leno said. Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Join the conversation on Facebook Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Read the full story here: If you live in California and support this legislation, send your asemblymember and state senator a quick message through the following link:
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The for profit prisons? will be a negative influence on policy via lobbying, but the prohibition against drugs has been around for long than private prisons.
Mandatory Minimums come from the “lawranorder” crowd which has existed for centuries. Add in post cold war Military Industrial Complex types justifying their existence prior to terrorism being as on the radar as it is now and you get the “War on Drugs”.
This is a step in the right? direction.
Awesome story!
Love your videos.
Not quite. I would make it slightly harder to get, you get caught you get a fine based on how much, or selling to those under 16 or something like that. People who would be irresponsible of knowing the dangers of the drug. Over that and I say let you die if you didn’t bother? knowing the drug before you took it. I wouldn’t go out of my way to protect those people.
This would be the single best thing Cali has done in? a decade or more.
and out of control, the public no longer has the? money to lock up all the black ppl. So just like during the great depression, when they no longer can get the public to pay for their system, they shut it down. Cuz they don’t give a fuck about drug use, and how it destroys ppl’s lives, they care only about their bottom line, a cold heartless profit generating corporate state, and that is facism, the corporate takeover of the gov’t
California has always led the way in the US.
Pot should be totally legal for over 21s, (with the same laws re driving and working that apply to alcohol), but this should be accompanied by a public? education program r.e. its harmful effects on the still developping brain in under 21s.
The harder stuff should remain illegal, but punished with educational program attendance, community service orders etc. – not incarceration in the university of hard crime, otherwise known as the prison system.
The drug laws are all just a scam by the ruling elites to increase their profits. They are responsible for the drugs getting in, (they sell drugs to fund their? illegal operations), then, when ur caught with drugs, you get ridiculously long “mandatory minimium” sentences, to which you are sent to one of any 250+ PRIVATELY OWNED FOR PROFIT PRISONS, which answers the question of why there are even mandatory minimums in the first place, but now, their debt money wage slavery system is so fucked up
So what your saying just like in Minority Report people should be arrested not for what they have done, but what you think? they are going to do?
It’s Too far. I’m all for Marijuana (toking now in a few) and some other drugs to some extent; but it would be foolhardy to make misdemeanors of drugs like Ecstasy. Most people don’t know the risks of MDMA or the brain damage it can cause from a few uses in a short period of time (less than 2 weeks or so, but everyone loves rolling on Molly). Make drugs that won’t harm? en masse misdemeanor, other drugs light offenses.
Make them easy to find, but not too easy; where’s the thrill in that?
we’re gradually moving in the right direction.. verrrryyy? slowwwlly
If you want freedom, you better be looking at Ron Paul. Dont mean? to turn this political er nothing like that 🙂
Yay! Go Cali! Where are you in Cali anyway?? I would love to hang out with you guys!!
Good for you California guys. I remember that other video when you talk about some of the new laws that will work in this 2012, and your legislation goes in the right direction.
Greetings from Mexico?
thats retarded. california is fucking ruining everything. the entire state is fucking stupid.?