Would You Tell the Police if You Knew a Kid Was Growing Weed?

Question by Brenda: Would you tell the police if you knew a kid was growing weed?
I know a 16 year old kid in my neighborhood that is growing and selling weed. I cant decide if I should call the cops or not. I only want what is best for the kid, and I dont want him to mess up his life.

If I DONT call the cops, he is going to get into the wrong crowd. And if I DO, he is going to get in big trouble which might affect his future too.

What would you do?
Some of you recomended that I let the kids mother deal with the problem. The trouble with that is, his mother is a crack head, and is only home a few days out of the year. And his father is unknown.

Best answer:

Answer by civil_av8r
tell the cops. he is still a minor.

What do you think? Answer below!

Drug Possession: Democrats Push to Decriminalize Possession of Marijuana

Bill McMillin of Brownsville recalled Tuesday, his time as a high school student in the late 70s to early 80s. He said many laws have changed in the past 20 years, especially when it comes to the criminal punishment for possession of marijuana. “In high school and stuff, if you got caught with a couple joints or half ounce or whatever, they really didn’t do (anything), they just let it go you know,” McMillin said. “Things have changed, they’re getting so strict on things. They’re sending people to prison for petty stuff.” The Texas Democratic Party seems to agree with McMillin. One of the issues they are urging the President, Attorney General and Congress to support this year, is the decriminalization of the possession of marijuana, and regulate it’s use like alcohol and tobacco. State Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said the party is not pushing for the legalization of marijuana, but adds that current laws are negatively affecting too many young people that get busted with small amounts of the drug. “You shouldn’t put a criminal stigma on these young folks for the rest of their lives, and affect their ability to get jobs and their ability to have a meaningful career for using marijuana when they were young,” Hinojosa said. Jose Valdivia, 35, said he was busted for marijuana possession when he was younger, and it’s something that has followed him around since. “When you get a job you always have to be honest about your past,” Valdivia said, “but it’s something

Find More Drug Possession Information…

35 Responses to “Would You Tell the Police if You Knew a Kid Was Growing Weed?”

  • Satan's Attorney:

    It’s probably best to stay out of it and let him get himself into trouble.

  • cmdrbnd007:

    Screw him, he’s messing up others’ lives when he sells it. Drop a dime and call the cops.

  • strike_eagle29:



  • davidmi711:

    Here is the number – 911. Do the right thing, make the call.

  • sleepingliv:

    No, I would not. I am a HUGE believer in minding my own business…and you should too.

  • lilirishdan:

    He’s 16, so if he’s put into a juvenile prison till he’s 18, it’ll be wiped off of his record, and it won’t really affect his future in the long run. It will stop him from causing this problem in your neighborhood for a while, though.

  • Jessica H:

    Make the call to the cops. Do you really want that going on in your neighborhood?

  • tiny t:

    Let him learn from his mistakes..i wouldn’t get involved

  • Rob P:

    Definitely call the police.
    Just call your local police anonymous tip hot line. Know one will know it is you. You will be doing the kid a favor. Better to get his life straightened out now than to fall in with the wrong crowd and then start dealing coke or meth.

  • James Dean:

    You should report it. He’s 16..he knows what is right and wrong by now.

  • Prince Of Sahara:

    You should tell the kid, that u as a good neighbor have heared rumors that somebody will tell the police about him, and provide him with a brief advice. If it did not work then don;t bother, sooner or later he will have a problem either from police or friends, save urself the guilt.

  • Ellen H:

    My husband once found a pipe in our son’s closet and turned it and him into the police. Harsh? Yeah, but turning a blind eye to illegal activities is wrong. Plue we don’t advocate illegal drug use and didn’t want it in our hosue. Did the police do anything??? Nope. But hey, we tried. If more people got involved we may be able to make some headway into society’s problems. It’s when we refuse to get involved that everyone suffers.

  • Michael P:

    Growing it, I wouldn’t. Smoking it, I wouldn’t. Selling it, I would. Marijuana is not a gateway to harder, far more dangerous drugs for the user. It IS a gateway drug for the seller. Since he’s 16, and if this is a first offense, depending on what State he’s in he may get off with a light sentence, especially if he cooperates.

    In one of her books, the late Texas newspaper columnist Molly Ivins once wrote, “In the Great State, you can give five years for murder and 99 years for pot possession.” I sent her a letter once asking if it would only be 98 years if you didn’t inhale. She never wrote back. I still liked her. She’d have something wise to say about your dilemma if she were still with us.

  • writersblock2006:

    If caught now, he still has a chance.
    I dont think his harvest is so big where hed get severly punished.

    But the longer he gets to doing this, the more involved he will become.
    So cut it in the butt now,before it gets to big.

    Also, think about what might happen to your neighborhood if this kid starts getting good at what hes doing?
    He should be caught eventually, but what happens if hes not.
    think about that.

    Dont know if you have kids — but the neighborhood kids might fll victim to his temptation.

    So, Id say best is to tell the police now.
    before it gets out of control.
    Or worse — turns into harder drugs!

    Wouldnt it be funny if this entrepreneur gets ambitious and moves up to meth.
    do you really want a meth lab next to you?

    Kind of drastic, but know this is the bigging of a bahvior that will only grow with time.
    Come on..money and drugs.

  • Dylan B:

    don’t call the cops because snitched get stitches. tell him to stop or you will call the cops and give a chance to flush it all down the toilet. that way he changes for the better. if he goes to jail he’ll be Butt raped or become a hardened criminal or if you leave it alone he’s grow more weed. I’ve meet some pot smokers in my day and most have jobs and families they care about. calling the cops will get his parents into trouble too. they could lose there house and he’ll be to blame. weed smokers don’t rough up the neighborhood so just warn him you know what he’s doing and you don’t like it. he’ll get all paranoid and move his business elsewhere or stop all together.

  • jjjjjjjjj:

    I’d call the cops.

    Tell me how you think his being with the wrong crowd through growing and selling weed isn’t going to mess up his future? Since it will, then how does the possibility of his future getting messed up by calling the police factor into it? His future can be messed up either way.

    BTW If you tell him that if he doesn’t stop that you’ll call the cops, then if he doesn’t stop and you call them he will assume it was you who turned him in. This might cause him to seek revenge against you. If you simply call the cops without confronting him, then he won’t know that it was you who called them. So I would consider your safety and perhaps that of any family you have before even thinking of talking to him and giving him an option.

  • stephany_nicole:

    Hey police, I know a kid growing weed.

  • Jarod C:

    tell me when did it ever hurt you. your probably doing it right now or your jeleous that he has some

  • J B:

    he’s not hurting anyone but himself so you should leave him alone

    If you see him trying to sell to little kids thats another story…but in actuality the only people he is selling to come to him…..he’s not corrupting anyone and if he wasnt doign it then someone else will

    Mind your buisness and if he moves to harder drugs then have him busted…..Marijuana shouldnt even be illegal it causes ZERO deaths a year whils alcohol and smoking contrubute to hundreds of thousands….Stop being so uptight and open your eyes…ALCOHOL IS A DEADLIER DRUG BUT SINCE THE GOVT CAN TAX IT ITS LEGAL

  • treehugger:

    call the cops

  • osborne_pkg:

    I’d call the cops, without hesitation. This kid is 16 and he’s already growing and selling pot. Who is he selling it to? Other kids.

    What is this kids next step, selling meth? crack?

    How many other lives will be affected down the line because someone hesitated to do the right thing? It might be the best thing for this kid too, if he’s stopped now before things go further.

    It always amazes me how people say “mind your own business”, and “don’t get involved”. They are the same type of people who turn their back when a woman is getting mugged or raped in an alley. That’s why they teach women to yell “FIRE” now when they are being attacked, because then people will actually respond. It’s a sad statement but if you don’t get involved, don’t complain when your neighborhood becomes a haven for drug dealers and gang bangers.

  • cw:

    Send an anonymous note to his parents telling them they have a certain amount of time to get the kid to stop growing and selling the weed or you will call the cops.

  • Kyle:

    Call the cops!!! He is still a minor, so depending on the amount of pot, which is probably very little. He might go to juvie for a small amount of time. But as soon as he turns 18 his record will be sealed or expunged, so there won’t be any record of this. Just think about hoe you will feel if he gets in to more trouble and you knew that you could have prevented it.

    Do the right thing!

  • NothinRhymesWitJacob:

    also studies have shown it can increase risk of schizophrenia in later life if smoked when the brain is still developing. Hope all that helps, if? you want any more info send me a message.

  • NothinRhymesWitJacob:

    My advice? would be not to try it at such a young age. I’d say 16 at least but that still is very young. Most people I know that do start young end up slacking badly. Marijuana is nice but you’ll appreciate more when you are older when it isn’t taking over your every thought. You will eventually get a friend that does it and you can ask them for it. If you ask a person that isn’t your friend, or maybe doesn’t like you, you can have some problems. I hope you get on track, it’s worth it in the end.

  • Halfdrummer:

    Hi if someone could help me out that would be great. Im a 14 year old dude who is going into high school. My grades are mostly Cs and I? am a major slacker. Anyway, I realy want to try some pot but I have a few questions like where to get it, and how to know if the dude your getting it from at school is a rat or a narc If someone could give me some info that wud be cool.

  • detroitfan406:

    Bc in the 1920s cotton and hemp was a big rival and like one of ? the presidents made hemp(MARIJUANA) illegal

  • cutejoker69:

    Why? was Marijuana made Illegal?

  • cutejoker69:

    I don’t know any one who wants Marijuana Prohibition. The only folks I know, who want Prohibition are those who don’t have an argument. They bring up medical reasons, moral reasons, and religious reasons yet scientists, anthropologists, sociologists, and clergy don’t support their arguments. I mean, you? have Pat Robertson a Christian Fundamentalist say, Marijuana is OK!

  • cutejoker69:

    -Harry Anslinger?

  • cutejoker69:

    . . . and their? damn Jungle Music

  • freekkc:

    no you are delusional, do you even realize that the main reason marijuana is illegal is because of racism against your? fellow Mexicans how can you not see that USA prohibition courses violence in Mexico FOLLOW THE MONEY EVERYTHING IS BECAUSE OF MONEY money from drug sales because its illegal if it was legal then their would not be money to be made or murders fighting over drug turf

  • weslacopanthers21:

    you sir,? are dellusional. Get help.

  • freekkc:

    yes in Mexico its a violent drug war in USA its a drug war because USA government calls it a drug? war and arrest drug users – as a weed user i feel i am having war brought on me and people like me when i see another non violent weed smoker arrested or a family broken up because USA prisons want profit – but yes you are correct in Mexico it is a real war – but Mexico’s war is influenced by USA government policy – USA prohibition is what causes Mexico’s violence –

  • weslacopanthers21:

    our drug war?? its mexicos drug war, not americas.