Illegal Drug Possession: What Are the Punisiment for Minor in Posstion?

Question by Amanda A: What are the punisiment for minor in posstion?

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Answer by J K
Mandatory grammer & spelling classes.

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4 Responses to “Illegal Drug Possession: What Are the Punisiment for Minor in Posstion?”

  • GQSLC:

    Yes. Mandatory Spelling & Grammer Classes. Here is how the question should read:

    “What is the punishment for a minor in possession?”

  • u1bd66:

    You wrote:
    What are the punisiment for minor in posstion?

    I translated from Double-Dutch to English:
    What is the punishment for a minor in possession?

  • Kethlas:

    Spelling issues aside, the primary question is “In possession of what?” Prescription drugs, narcotics, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco? The answers can be from practically nothing to serious juvenile or even adult criminal charges. Plus it will vary from state to state. I suggest you go to your state’s home page (www.state.??.us where ?? is your state’s 2 letter postal abreviation eg. Texas would be then look for a link to your state’s legislature. Once at your state legislature’s website, you can usually find a link to your state’s laws (sometimes called code, or statutes). Once you find that, put in a search for your phrase “minor in possession” and it should turn up the statute addressing your question.

  • Erik W:

    HAHA! Who asked “possession of what?”

    MINOR in possession in regards to alcohol and tobacco. These are Class C misdemeanors, punishable by fine only. What drugs are MINORS not allowed to possess that adults ARE allowed to possess entirely? BEER AND CIGARETTES!

    If a minor possesses cocaine, the criminal charge would be “Possession of a controlled substance______” depending on which penalty group it is in. Crack, PG-1, hydrocodone PG-2, etc…. NOT minor in possession.