Can You Be Charged If?
Question by Richard: can you be charged if?
first let me say I am no criminal. My question is can you be charged with possession with something if you had no say so in it being there example (not situation) lets say I let a buddy use my car and he goes and picks up drugs. Then he comes to get me we get pulled over can I be charged?
Best answer:
Answer by cyanne2ak
Yes, you can be charged for that in a vehicle. It is called “constructive possession”. The lesson here is this: pick your friends wisely.
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More Illegal Drug Possession Information…
Yes. Being guilty is a separate issue. A ham sandwich can be charged. The car can be seized since it was used to commit a crime.
Yup. Its stupid but true. If you drive your friend to what he says is another friends house and he goes and kills a guy you get arrested as an accomplice even if you immidiatly go to the police and report it. Stupid but yes. If they catch you both in the car its your problem. Even if your not in the car, if its your car you will still be held partially responsible
if u a innocent,u must insist ur rights.u have no criminal