What Would Happen in This Situation?
Question by !!Dark Cloud Coming!!: What would happen in this situation?
I have a hypothethical question — lets say my sister and her husband were selling illegal drugs from their house. well not really selling it, but storing it for my other relative who is selling it from there but not living there. lets say the police found out. would my sister and her husband go to jail? if so, for how long? they have 2 kids. one is 16 and the other is 5. the 16 could go live with her bio dad, but what would happen to the 5 yr old? would she go into foster care? would any family be allowed back into the house to gather the 5 yr old’s belonging or would we have to buy everything brand new for her? would would happen to the house? if they went to jail, would the cops sell it? who gets the money? my bf and i are on the poor end, we live paycheck to paycheck but we could afford to have the 5 yr old live with us. do you think they would place her with us if no other family wanted her? just wondering what would happen in this situation. and when the police did show up, how long until the 5 yr old came to my house?
Best answer:
Answer by trooper3316
There is a legal term called “constructive possession”. If there is something illegal in their house, and they know about it, they can be charged, even if it is not theirs.
They can also be charged with being an accessory to the crime if they know the other relatives are selling out of their house.
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