Illegal Drug Possession: Define Possession of Drugs.?
Question by Jason B: Define Possession of drugs.?
If a hotel maid found ashes from pot in a hotel room I was in for vacation (hours away from home) can I get charged for possession even if I pass a drug test? I had some friends who smoked in my room and they ashed on the table.
What is the statute of limitations if they did decide to “come get me” (if they even have authority?) A week, month, year, forever?
Or is it only if they found it on you at that time can they charge you?
Best answer:
Answer by toneykuhnz
You wont get charged, the ashes arent on your person and they dont really have any way to prove that it is yours. The only way I can think of you getting in trouble is if the room is in your name, then they could possibly put you in possession of it regardless of who you say was there with you. Kind of like if you pull a car over with 4 kids in it and there is dope in the center counsel. The driver of the vehicle or owner will be in possession because they are in lawful possession of the vehicle, thus, they are responsible for anything inside of it….same with your hotel room. I doubt they will pursue it, however, ashes generally are not enough to pursue possession of THC charges.
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Related Illegal Drug Possession Information…
There is a legal term called “constructive possession”. If you are in control of the area, and something illegal is in that area, you are legally in possession. If you signed for the room, what remains belongs to you.
The statute of limitations will vary with state law, but it is probably no less than one year.
If it is just ashes, I doubt it is worth the trouble of a major investigation.