Illegal Drug Possession: Marilize Legajuana ;)?

Question by j3nn4 🙂: Marilize Legajuana ;)?
(Legalize Marijuana for those of you not too quick to catch on)

I’m 15. don’t say i’m too young or that my parents would be dissappointed, cause even though i don’t burn WITH them, my parents are fellow pot smokers 🙂

Here’s a blog that a friend of mine wrote, that i’d like to share with you.:

“1: Prohibiton has never worked. When you think about it, people have been purposly breaking the rules since Adam and Eve. Do not eat from the tree of knowlage. Who was watching them? God. How many people was he watching? Two. And from then on, people have never and never will stop breaking the rules/laws.

2: Marijuana does not kill brain cells. In 1974 Ronald Reagan anounces permanent brain damage is caused because of marijuana. DEA conducted an expirement where a certain amount of monkeys were subjected to 30 joints of weed a day, and others were not. The monkeys exposed to the marijuana began to die after 90 days. The study became the foundation of the government and claimed that marijuana killed brain cells. After 6 years of requests of how the study was conducted, it was finally revealed. Instead of administering 30 joints a day for one year, doctor heath pumped 63 joints through a gas mask without adding any tubes for oxygen a day. The monkeys suffacated from not being exposed to oxygen. The monkeys brains shut down, and if you suffacate, the first things thats going to happen is your brain cells are going to die. Therefore, the government proved NOTHING. 4 minutes without oxygen can cause brain cell damage.
Studies since have not showed it damaging brain cells, but that it may actually stimulate brain cell growth. But those studies haven’t recieved the same amount of attention.

3: Marijuana does not cause lung cancer. There hasen’t been one case shown where the lung cancer is related to marijuana alone. You can get lung damage from it because it paralizes the cillia, but because it is not radio-active your probably not going to get cancer from it. Smoking anything can be harmful simply because the properties of smoke. Its not as a result from anything in the weed plant, its because you are intaking heated plant matter into your lungs. Theres no cases of marijuana only smokers getting brown lung syndrome, or emphazema. Stange for a plant thats so “dangerous”, how come none of that?

4: The number one killer in the country (it beat out AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire, and murder all combined) is tobacco. With an average of 430,000 deaths per year, considering its a number one killer, its intresting that it is legal. Number 2 on the list with well over 85,000 deaths per year, alcohol. Caffine comes in with 1-10,000 deaths a year. 7500 deaths related to over the counter drugs. Where does marijuana lie in this? What staggering number of people die because of weed? 0. There are no deaths related to cannabis use, it does not exist, you can not find one anywhere. Even when scientists expose small animals to hundreds of times of what a human can take in, they still don’t overdose from it. Not one university, or medical facility has recorded one death attributed to marijuana.

5: You can not get addicted to marijuana. There are more kids in addiciton clinics for marijuana for any other substance. However only 3% of the people in rehab for marijuana use are there voluntarily. 97% are either told to by their parents or by a judge. In order, the most addictive to the least addictive substances, nicotine is one, alcohol is two, then heroin, then cocain, then coffee, and then marijuana. Marijauna is at the very bottom… below coffee. If you smoke marijuana every day for a year, and then quit, you will have no withdrawls. You’ll notice differences, but it will not be difficult at all to quit smoking it.

6: Marijuana is only a gateway drug because of its illegalization. Often, drug dealers sell other drugs. Coke, pills, whatever. When you buy weed, illigally, the drug dealer may offer you these drugs, that you would not have originally been exposed to if you went to the gas station and bought some weed legally. The only reason people get exposed to them is because people offer them to you, while your buying a harmless drug, marijuana. Only one out of every 104 marijuana users use cocaine.

7: You will not be useless to society if you smoke marijuana. There are way over 50 million pot smokers in america, and half of the canadian population has tried it, and yet both societies seem to flourish. Steven johnson created the apple computers while smoking pot, the guy who developed CNN smokes pot, you go through every musician you like from the rolling stones, to the beatles, to led zepplin, to snoop dogg, to willy nelson, they all smoke pot. Almost every american president has admitted to smoking pot. People who are lazy and who are gonna lose their jobs, are going to lose their jobs anyway, its not because of marijuana.”

oh, plus,
“Using figures from a variety
PS, i mixed up the words in the question title on purpose haha 🙂

mariLIZE LEGAjuana,
LEGALIZE marijuana .
get it ? 😉
Oh oops, i just realized i typed too much and it ran out of space.

the rest basically said that the government spends around 7 billion dollars a year relating to prohibtion, and regulation/ taxation would actually PROFIT the government around 2 billion dollars.

and the question was :
Are you for or against the Legalization of weed?

Best answer:

Answer by Captain Falcon
“Marijuana does not kill brain cells.”

“Marilize Legajuana ;)?”

You sure about that buddy?

What do you think? Answer below!

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One Response to “Illegal Drug Possession: Marilize Legajuana ;)?”

  • emblebeegirl:

    And the question here is?
    I agree, drugs should be legalized, because then they can be better controlled. And, marijuana in certain forms can cure cancer.