Illegal Drug Possession: What Happens if You Get Caught Rolling on Ecstasy During a Rave? or Anywhere, What Can a Cop Do?

Question by Omar Smg: What Happens If You Get Caught Rolling On Ecstasy During A Rave? Or Anywhere, What Can A Cop Do?
I Jst Want To Make Sure i Dont Get In tTrouble While Rolling At A Rave
Of Coarse Ive Rolled Before, Its Jst That The Other Night, While i Was At A Rave, i Saw A Security Come Up to This Girl Who Was Really Messed Up And He Took Her With HIm, What Happend?
And For Those Saying Im Too Old, Im Not Even 17 Yet, And Im Older Than A 14 Year Old, Dont Say Stuff Like “Drug-Free” Jst Answer The Question As Best Of Your Ability. Thanx

Best answer:

Answer by Hardboiled Gumshoe
Harsh your buzz, bigtime.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Related Illegal Drug Possession Information…

8 Responses to “Illegal Drug Possession: What Happens if You Get Caught Rolling on Ecstasy During a Rave? or Anywhere, What Can a Cop Do?”

  • Noreen:

    Arrest you.

  • Alice in Yahooland:

    aren’t you uhhh a little too old to be “rolling”?

  • alamyst:

    Depends on the state. Federal laws will see you arrested at least if they can prove that you consumed any E.
    Here is a list of possibilites:
    -Consumption of an illegal substance
    -Transports of a illegal substance (had this happen by carrying a E pill in my mouth from one building to another.)
    -Disruption of an illegal substance. Assuming you have a pill or two extra for pesonal stash- they will call that selling.

    Of course the staff of the place can just through you out. I hope you have done E before. If not, maybe a Rave is not the best place to start. good luck and use your head. It is an illegal and dangerous drug for a reason. Do your self a favor a research why MDMA was created. It will surprise you what you are willing doing to your brain.

  • Leslie S:

    In my state and city if you have nothing you no arrest for possession etc.
    We arrest you for the way you act. Almost everyone who has had the serotonin stripped from their brain by X acts stupid on the street. They destroy things, steal water bottles and grab people to “hug” them.
    So depending on what is observed by the officer or the complaint of assault you would be arrested for what you did.

  • Vendetta_21:

    depending where you live… most likely be Arrested for being under the influence and possession of a narcotic.

  • a.gee:

    What happens is your buzz will definitely go sour!! Mann I would hate to be so alert and feely while a cop is arresting you for being under the influence of a controlled substance…

  • Prussian Blue:

    The cop will beat you & claim it was a drug related injury.

  • Jefferson:

    As people have said, it depends on the laws where you are. Where I am, you are probably safe so long as you aren’t in physical possession of a drug. They can however arrest you for public intoxication, but as long as you are behaving yourself and aren’t acting a fool in a way that puts yourself or others in danger, they’ll probably leave you alone. Public intox is also a lesser charge than possession of a controlled substance. I’ve heard the term “bodily possession” used to describe the state of being in possession of an illegal substance based upon the fact that it is in your bloodstream (meaning you are currently high), but I’ve never heard of anybody actually being charged with “bodily possession” so I don’t know if that is legit, or just an urban legend.

    The girl you saw with the security officer was probably just ejected from the party/venue and a cab called for her, unless she was behaving in a dangerous manner, in which case she was probably arrested for public intox.