A Cop Wrote Me a Ticket for Being High Even Though I Didnt Have Anything on Me. Can He Do This?
by MyFWCmedia
Question by edwardelric75: A cop wrote me a ticket for being high even though I didnt have anything on me. Can he do this?
ok, so i live in jeffco, colorado
i got caught high in class a couple of days ago and got suspended. the cop wrote me a ticket for possession even though i didnt have shit on me
my mom claims it’s classified as “internal possession”, but im not sure
Best answer:
Answer by Zero1
drugs are for losers
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More Drug Possession Information…
I’m not an expert.
While there are some states that do have that strange and completely invasive internal possession law, I don’t believe Colorado is one of them.
There is a law called Unlawful Use of a Controlled Substance. And if you want to research further, here are drug crimes of Colorado: