Drugs in Car/ Please Give Me an Answer Lawyers or Cops ?
Question by Jeff S: drugs in car/ please give me an answer lawyers or cops ?
ok, i live in ohio and just found out from another friend my buddy jim does coke. If i give Jim a ride and he had 1 gram of coke and we get pulled over and he hides it in my car, and then tells the cops it isn’t his can i be blammed for it? Would we both be charged with it? Could I take a drug test and or lie detector test to prove it wasn’t mine. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Artman
If drug is found in a vehicle then the owner is the primary suspect; he and the passenger get arrested.
The cops keep the car and you wont have it back; the government have the right to keep any vehicle used to transport drugs.
As for the drug test; it doesn’t work like that. People that sell drugs sometimes don’t use drugs so they don’t need to prove you use drugs; all they need to prove is that the drug was inside your car.
As for lie detector; the lie detector is not valid in court (you could lie and still pass the test); police only use it to scare people into confessing.
Be smart and stay away from losers. That’s why I never give rides to people I don’t know, or to people I suspect of using drugs.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Drug Possession: Gary Johnson “In 1997 Newt Gingrich Proposed The Death Penalty For Marijuana Possession”
December 10, 2011 MSNBC MOXNews.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
More Drug Possession Information…
There is a legal term called “constructive possession”. If something is found in an area under your control, you can be charged.
A drug test would not be a defense, as having the drugs in your system is not a requirement for prosecution. As far as the lie detector, that would be no use either, as it is not admissible in court.
Her? producers didn’t want them to talk about cannabis.
I love my weed
you have absolutely no idea how important that medicine? is. thc occurs naturally in the body. that is what gives us the ability to heal dumb-ass.
Lol Alex, almost over half the people watching this are concerned about whether pot were to stay legal or not. Even? if smoking isn’t my priority, I still want my friends back from the concentration complexes.
100,000,000 americans have not? smoked pot
If republicans want to retain any of the young voters, they? will respect and take to heart the issues that libertarians represent in these debates. Failure to do so will result in either apathetic voters or votes for Obama.
human? rights?
I? love weed and me using it is about of my personal freedom and human right to use it. Fuck off government.
Religion has no part in polotics.? If you think it does,your an idiot.
And the rest would be? forced to clean bathrooms in their schools LOL
I like both and I also prefer Johnson. He was a governor and governors are ALWAYS more electable than representatives. Plus Johnson does not talk about the? gold standard (which might be a good idea but it also might be dangerous) but some really practical and more pressing things. Finally, he is just a cool guy and I like that, I just LOVE the refreshing honesty in talking about the drug problem in this country. GO GARY!!!
That’s not entirely true about Paul. Ron Paul believes that the government has a role in preventing corporate fraud and as an opponent of crony capitalism,RP also is against the sort of cozy arrangements that occurs between some corporations and government that works to the benifit of some,but to the detriment of the many. But,it’s true that Paul would not regulate campaign finance since political? monetary contribution are a form of free speech.
I like? Johnson more than Paul, because he acknowledges that the government has a role in regulating corporations and protecting the people from bad actors. He also unlike Paul acknowledges the problem of unlimited corporate campaign finance.
If Gingrich had his way, at LEAST 1/3 of today’s teenagers would be electrocuted? or poisoned, just because they wanted to experience something new.
fuck ya Gary, straight to the point. Him and Ron would make a? great presidency.
An immoral and? unethical man opposes legalizing pot. Selective righteousness from this jerk.