So What Can We Learn From Portugal? Versus War on Drugs Debate Extract
Drug Possession: So what can we learn from Portugal? Versus War on Drugs debate extract
In 2001, Portugal decriminalised drug possession and consumption. It did not legalise supply. But nevertheless, it is the latest in a series of liberalisation experiments that has the drug policy community arguing over facts. Surprising – or is it? – but they can’t even agree on what has happened, let alone on what lessons ought to be learned from it.
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More Drug Possession Information…
And under the banner of the cross,
we shall march toward purity,
freed from Negroes and Chinamens seduction of
white woman !
Send them away, along with all temptations !
Send them too HIS mighty judgement
with the same zeal and flames that purified Europe
in that glorious 16th century
The idea is not to waste £16 billion a year on a war on British citizens,
but instead to let harmless users do their thing,
keep junkies of the streets AND deal a heavy blow to organised crime by giving them free methadone.
By some estimates this could save as much as? £10 billion a year,
which could pay for a lot electric bills, schoolbooks and even potholes.
The banking crises, war in the middle-east, the melting? icecaps, the rise of China
– All because of those damn drug users.
Kill them all I say !
So, instead oif robbing mu house the drugs would be robbed from my taxes? Well, then if my road gets a pot hole will the addict? I am supplying,fix the pot hole? If my local grade school needs new books, who will pay for them. Will I have to pay the electric bill for the methdaone clinoic over a child,s education?
Helterskelter: exactly. We learn nothing from Portugal. Nor does court mandated treatment always work in the? US Its a sad sad fact that drug users are draining and strangling our freedoms and the World is crumbling because of them.
Before the Harrison Act large US cities were teeming cesspools. Crime gangs were rampant until THE Black Hand took control and organized. 250000 American kids were? shipped out West. The US has tax paid mandated treatment-gobs of it_ for the disease of addiction. There is treatment:AA,NA and ministry in jails. The only solution is total abstience. Yes, tobacco + alcohol also
@Helter Skelter We can learn? a lot from Portugal. Go back into your cave.
If i can buy a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and a pack of red apples (while paying my taxes)? why can’t i buy 2 grams of marijuana?! Alcohool and cigarrets brings much bigger health problems…
We are feeding the drug dealers and filling their pockets!!
Braking and entering is up because of the economical crisis!!! Murders going up?! We don´t sell 9mm cartridges in the supermarket and? nobody goes to school with fire arms!!
Nobody wants to go back in drugs policy …. it is here to stay…. get used to it!
We are not DUMB like the americans who put in jail people just for smoking…. we treat them!!!!!!!
I am portuguese and sorry to say , these people are discuss a thing they probably don’t know for sure how to work. In Portugal , the possess of very small ammount of light drugs (not crack )aren’t criminalized but (BUT ) the selling is . If you are a drug dealer you will be prossecuted ,? if you are a adicted you will be invited to get treatment and have a clean syringe during the process . The HIV infected percentage reverting is grouth (is down at the moment) and the dealers still be criminal.
the crime in portugal as increased not because of drugs but? because the financial crise…
than booze! Yet alcohol and tobacco kill many more? people than ALL illegal drugs combined… your gonna have to provide a source for this.
Prohibition dose not work! You can get any drug you want? without much effort, it is way easier to get “drugs” than booze! Yet alcohol and tobacco kill many more people than ALL illegal drugs combined… They just want to lauder the money and keep their slave camps, aka “prisons” full !!!!
Will no-one?? rid me of? these turbulent monkeys that constantly fly into my face?
None of them slap me with their hands. Their hands are occupied to cover their mouths, eyes and ears.
They seem to bounce off like rogue asteroids in a computer game, but the defensive shields are constantly being attacked, too.