Illegal Drug Possession: On Trayvon Martin: The More I Find Out. . . . .
Illegal Drug Possession: On Trayvon Martin: The More I Find Out. . . . .
The more I’m upset.WHY would a seventeen-year-old unarmed child be up to no good just by purchasing treats at a local convenience store? Please, give me a br…
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Are you saying it? is or that it should be, in your view? Your comment is unclear to me.
Excuse me 6’3″ 17yr old etc etc……?
You tell 17yr with gold teeth and tattoos wearing saggin pants and a hoodie? that he is a child….tell me how that works out 4 ya?
Stilll, a child? died unecessarily, so it seems. I’m not sure what to think right now.
His mother allowed her 17yr to have tattoos,gold teeth and saggin pants…why? Zimmerman stated? that night trayvon beat him to the ground and tried to take his gun…..learn some facts before you open your mouth….I live 8 miles from the shooting and down here guys like trayvon are called goons,they wear that word like a badge…it means in urban definition black/hustler/dealer/baller/thug the exact image of trayvon. YouTube gooncity and see the truth.
How do we? know he didn’t get the lacerations from a high-speed chase?
I did my research and right now I? have decided to let the story run its course, although I sincerely doubt Zimmerman’s claims.
@Boogawes Which only further proves my point that you should do better research before posting your video. Why do you doubt that? Martin attacked Zimmerman? You act like you know him and he’s a saint. Did you know he had been suspended from school bc of illegal drug possession? And there is proof that he attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman had a banged up nose (possibly broken) and lacerations to the back of his head.
OK, who saw it? How do we? know he or she wasn’t lying for Zimmerman?
You can prove this how? I saw nothing of the kind before yesterday, to be honest. This video was made when I didn’t know? Trayvon Martin may have attacked George Zimmerman, and I doubt that Martin did attack Zimmerman.
also it was? confirmed that it was Zimmerman calling for help. Someone saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman bashing his head in the ground when ZImmerman was calling for help.. smh
Before you make a video on something? you should probably do better research. You said nothing about Trayvon attacking Zimmerman and nothing about Zimmerman calling for help before he shot Trayvon. Clearly the distorted media has got you to believe in a bad cause.
I heard. All I could think was “? [expletive] Why didn’t somebody do something”?