A Person I Know of in LA, California, Was Arrested for “Suspicion of Narcotics”?
Question by MacG: A person I know of in LA, California, was arrested for “suspicion of narcotics”?
That’s all that was listed in the newspaper in the arrests section. What might that mean without any other details listed? I would think it means personal use of some kind of illegal drug, as opposed to trafficking or driving under the influence, is that right?
Best answer:
Answer by ROBO
Most likely, it means the person had a contolled drug and the person did not have a perscription for them. Their defense will be a doctor’s prescription, which won’t happen if it was meth or another street packaged drug.
Answer by Stuart
If you are caught with a substance that could be anything, but it’s most likely drugs, the charge “suspicion of …” will do until the substance can be tested to make sure what it is.
If the officer were to arrest you for possession of cocaine for instance, and when tested, the substance turned out to be heroin, the cocaine charge wouls not stick, and they’d have to cut you loose. Using the “suspiction of …” charge allows the officer to upgrade the charge to “possession of…”
– Stuart