Does Anyone Know the Real Meaning of 420?
Question by john u: does anyone know the real meaning of 420?
Best answer:
Answer by ~nikk~
april 20th, which is national weed day
Answer by Demun
four-twenty (4:20) (420) (4-20)
1. n. Commonly known as the time to smoke pot. It has come to mean everything from the act of smoking, the stuff that’s smoked, and the optimum smoking time. Because 99% of today’s culture DOESN’T know what 420 means, it has become a code people use to identify and talk with each other without outsiders knowing. Also known for the date, April 20th, which is the day to smoke pot all day, “the hippie holiday.” Most pot smokers use 420 for just that, but, this date also happens to be Hitler’s birthday which most possibly connected to or resulted in the selection of the April 20th date of the Columbine tragedy.
Note: I get a large amount of emails trying to correct me, saying that 420 is actually the California police code for possession of marijuana. Sorry- but that’s an urban legend. Here are the facts straight from the LAPD: “There are several codes of law in CA that dictate drug offences. The Penal Code(PC) and the Health and Safety Code(H&S). Most of the drug offences are covered by the H&S. There is no 420 H&S, there is a 420 PC and it is “Preventing entry onto Public property”. We sometimes have codes that the dispatcher uses on the radio to let us know what kind of call we are going to, but it usually is the same as the code section. Here are some of the Marijuana charges:
11359 H&S Possesion of MJ for Sales
11360(A)H&S Sales of MJ
11357(B)H&S Possesion of less than 1 oz of MJ
420 is a mathematical formula that is somehow supposed to prove that JFK has several clones who eventually worked towards his assassination.
It is National Weed Day. Read the link below. its useful
originaly it was 20 minutes after school let out, and at that time the pot heads would meet behind bleachers, or some other secluded spot on school property to smoke up before going home.
april 20th is known as national weed day every year around that particular time they the people who want weed legalized go on protests
4-2= 2-2=0
The number 420 is a euphemism for cannabis and its associated culture. The exact origin of the term is unknown, although there is much speculation and many urban legends about its origin. Smoking marijuana at 4:20 or on April 20 has special meaning to some.
4:20 was also the time that the first scientist to try LSD25 took the dose. He said it was the perfect time to get high.
In the early 70’s t.v cop show Adam 12 the 420 code was first used in response to a marijuana possession call.