Need Top Security Clearance for Air Force?

Question by Chad L: Need Top Security Clearance for Air Force?
Hey guys I need some help. I am qualified for an Intel job in which I really want as my career for the Air Force. I am 25 years old with a bachelors degree and I am enlisting for some experience under my belt so I can take advantage of school (Masters degree) and benefits and then apply to a civilian job with a government agency (NIMA, CIA, FBI, etc) when I get out. I’m going in the AF with a focus.

Here’s my problem. I need a top Secret Security Clearance for my job and I had a little run in with the law 7 years ago when I was 18. I received a misdemeanor for “receiving stolen property” and it was later expunged under 1203.4a a year later when I was 19 years old. Long story short, I didn’t steal anything, I basically gave a friend who I trusted at the time a ride to his house and he had stolen items in his possession. My friend got caught and told a completely bogus story to the cops and I slipped up by telling the cop I gave my friend a ride and then BAM I got arrested…that’s all it took.

So, I have the record expunged, I have never done any drugs or had any DUI’s. I only have a few minor traffic tickets and I have great credit too. Please can someone answer my qustion, “what are my chances of getting a TS Security Clearance for the Air Force? Does my record have to be spotless for this? Thanks for any advice

Best answer:

Answer by rebel7854
your fine

Answer by Phil
I doubt that will prevent you from a TS, I’ve had them and that’s not a big bad record. However beware “expunged” — it may indeed be gone entirely but if it is discovered during your background investigation (which includes interviews with people who might know about it) and you have not declared it, that WILL torpedo your clearance.

It’s a misdemeanor, it’s old, and you would say you pled to the crime because it was easier than fighting it. Be careful on that if they get into it you want be sure that you look honest and reasonable entirely.


3 Responses to “Need Top Security Clearance for Air Force?”

  • Ltn. Motel:

    Best advice for you tell the truth. The problem is not have a misdemeanor expulged but have and not tell them, so explain them, have the papers in hand to cover your XXX and explain over and over what happen.

    Another advice, make many motorized copies because they will keep them.

  • Katie M:

    You should be fine. Why are you enlisting if you have a bachelors already? You should join as an officer.

  • HDH:

    One misdemeanor incident several years ago as a minor that ended up being expunged anyway will not stop you from getting a clearance, if you are honest with your investigators and the rest of your life demonstrates that you a person of good character, judgment, and integrity. You will have to explain what happened of course. But if the Air Force will take you (you may need a waiver?) then you shouldn’t have an issue getting a clearance. Hope you get the job you want!