What,S the Difference Between Crack Cocaine and Cocaine?

Question by Kathleen.: what,s the difference between crack cocaine and cocaine?
I would like somebody who knows to settle the difference i know cocaine is really bad but is crack worse what is crack cocaine ?

Best answer:

Answer by Heather
Crack is made from cocaine in a process called freebasing, in which cocaine powder is cooked with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to create rocks, chips, or chunks that can be smoked. The term crack refers to the crackling sound that is heard when the mixture is smoked. Crack is usually smoked in a pipe. Because it’s smoked, crack cocaine effects are felt more quickly and they are more intense than those of powder cocaine. However, the effects of smoked crack are shorter lived than the effects of snorted powder cocaine.

Answer by Caron R
Crack cocaine is extremely additive and dstroys your major organs get help from your gp who may refer you to rehab and conselling


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