If I Have a Illegal Possession of a Firearm and Possession of Marijuana Charge Could I Get Into the Army If?

Question by Stanley: if i have a illegal possession of a firearm and possession of marijuana charge could i get into the army if?
i haven’t been convicted on any of those charges, i haven’t even been to court on them

Best answer:

Answer by Jenn
You are innocent until proven guilty is the USA. Your best bet in to check with your local recruter.

Answer by El Gato
Well, the important answer is “no branch will take you with felony possession charge” (source: military.com). Luckily you haven’t been convicted of anything yet. The best advice I can give is that you do everything in your power to get the charges dropped or settle out of court. In this case, your desire to get into the military may actually help you do this. Play the “I want to turn my life around” card and see if you can’t get the charges dropped on the condition of successful entry into military service. Moreovre, your age will also be a factor though… if you’r under 18 this will be easier than if you’re a well established adult. (Moreover, if you’re under 18 you might be able to get this dismissed as a juvenile crime, but you’ll want to discuss that with some sort of legal council because getting rid of one charge is easier then having both a weapons and drug possession charge.) My best advice to you is talk to a recruiter and let them know what is up. If you can get a recruiter on your side it will likely help your legal problems because it will show the court that the military supports your “desire to change”.


One Response to “If I Have a Illegal Possession of a Firearm and Possession of Marijuana Charge Could I Get Into the Army If?”

  • Michael R:

    El Gato has given you a good answer – but I would like to take it one step further.
    You might want to give your idea of going into the Army a second and third thought. The days of being able to use the Army as an escape from civilian trouble are long gone. Military service is about personal discipline. If you don’t have it already they will try to instill it in you. If you resist developing personal discipline – that is, screw up repeatedly (like getting caught with marijuana) the Army will chew you up and spit you out.
    I know you figure you are smart enough to be able to do what you want and not get caught. But trust me, it is easier to get caught in the Army than it is in civilian life (living in a barracks doesn’t leave a lot of privacy) and you have already shown the ability to get caught, haven’t you? Organizationally, the Army isn’t real bright – but it has been around for a very long time and, organizationally, it has a great memory. Thousands and thousands of guys have tried to get over on the Army. Some succeed – but the organization learns and improves its methods for dealing with the wise guys. Eventually the Army finds them, and when it does, it is merciless. That possession charge is nothing next to a “less-than-honorable” discharge for screwing up your future employment opportunities.
    If you want a clean start and a chance to learn how to be a man – go for it. The Army is a great organization for that. If you think you can get away with the stuff you have been pulling – go ahead and do your jail time. In the long run, it will be easier.