What Does a Heroin High Feel Like, and How Is It Different From a Cocaine High?
Question by Tom: What does a heroin high feel like, and how is it different from a cocaine high?
I don’t really want to try it, because it screws your brain up and social skills and I’d never get a chance to become a teacher if I did illegal drugs, and I want to teach elementary school. But I’m curious about it, mostly because I just don’t know much about narcotics apart from those cheesy PSA’s they show us at school. I’ve heard about how other drugs felt, like LSD and weed and alcohol, but not heroin or crack. What is it like to get high on heroin and cocaine? Not what it does to the body but how does it feel? Thanks.
I put it here because I didn’t know where else it should go.
Best answer:
Answer by Noah
There should be more than enough info here http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/psychoactives.shtml
Answer by Sir.Troll
I haven’t done either but from what I understand Heroin makes you relaxed and you have a warm blanket around on(atleast that’s what I got when I messed with pills and I’m assuming that’s true for most opiates) and cocaine makes you hyper and you can do anything.
Powder cocaine in the states will just numb your gums a little and maybe make you shit depending on the cut. Heroin will make you feel like you are 1 years old again… happy and carefree. Painless too if you suffer any pain. Meth is the real upper these days, not coke. In the mid 90s all the crackheads and blow snorters went to smoking and snorting meth. That shit makes you feel like you accomplished the biggest feat of your life. For like 20 hours a dose.