If Someone Is Doing Cocaine,Do They Act Different After They Do?

Question by MINT~ie: If someone is doing cocaine,do they act different after they do?
I suspect my grandparents of using cocaine,but their personalities or behavior never change after I presume they use it.

But,then again,they hardly ever act drunk when they drink.
They’re only 58 and 62.

Best answer:

Answer by Ca?tlin sixx
-_- theyre old…….old people act weird Edit:hmm…..well i’d say google”cocaine abuse smytpoms”

Answer by Pico
They would most likely be very talkative or at least talking very fast, hyper seeming, jumpy, edgy and possibly grinding their teeth a bit. It wouldn’t last for long since cocaine wears off pretty fast. I’m sure some people don’t show any signs of cocaine use after they use it but 95% of the people I know that do or have used cocaine show signs.


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