How Much Crack Versus Cocaine Does It Take to “Get High”?

Question by Rev Run: How much crack versus cocaine does it take to “get high”?
I am doing a research paper and I found a statistic that says that in the US, the penalty is the same for 5 grams of crack as for 500 grams of powdered cocaine. The book argues that the disparity is primarily race-related (since the majority of crack users are black and the majority of cocaine users are white).

Before I use the statistic, I wanted to know if crack is just that much stronger than cocaine.

Any opinions?

Best answer:

Answer by nineinchnailsnate
10 kilos……….. for me lol

Answer by melbellalways4u
you have problems.
why dont you go ask a cop that qustion lol


One Response to “How Much Crack Versus Cocaine Does It Take to “Get High”?”

  • Sissy:

    Cocaine actually contains “cutting” agents that they add to it, whereas crack is a more pure substance void of any additives. Crack has a higher concentration of the substances that get one high, thus, crack is more powerful than cocaine.