Southwest Florida Meth Use, Arrests on Upswing According to Law Enfocement – the News-Press
Southwest Florida meth use, arrests on upswing according to law enfocement – The News-Press
Southwest Florida meth use, arrests on upswing according to law enfocement
The News-Press The sheriff's office has made arrests on more than 650 charges for controled substances this year, and the vast majority are for possession of cocaine, heroin and other synthetic narcotics. Notaro said cocaine and marijuana are more prevalent in the area. |
Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News
Utah may try to cut OD deaths with ‘good Samaritan’ law – Salt Lake Tribune
Utah may try to cut OD deaths with 'good Samaritan' law
Salt Lake Tribune It would in most cases prevent charges of simple drug possession or use by someone who contacted police, stayed with the OD victim and cooperated with authorities. While such "good Samaritans" could be prosecuted for other crimes, such as dealing … Utah measure aims to prevent overdose deaths |
Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News
2 accused of altering fingerprints – Boston Globe
2 accused of altering fingerprints
Boston Globe Authorities later determined that Martinez is from the Dominican Republic and had been using a false name, Carmen Reyes. She allegedly told law authorities that she illegally entered the country. She had been arrested four years ago for distributing … |
Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News