Can You Get Over a Cocaine Addiction on Your Own?

Question by Curious: Can you get over a cocaine addiction on your own?
Clearly I don’t know much about addiction. If someone is addicted to the drug cocaine what are the chances that they quit it on their own without going back to it & without going to therapy or rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by beautybstar
It depends on the person and their outlook at the moment. If one day a person looked at their lives and actually realized the effect that it has taken on themselves, their families, and their lives and found something to believe in and motivation to change then I think that their is a possibility that it could happen. But change would be key to their sobriety lasting from the way that they think, to their surroundings, to their outlook on their lives. Even if they did not talk to anyone else pursay they will have to find an outlet of some sourt and be able to address things that occured that got them to that point and that will bring them from that point. Rather it is through prayer, writing, or something but there are somethings that they will need to release from themselves. Hope this answered your question a bit.

Answer by The master
Cocaine is not physically addictive as some people think it is. You might crap in our pants from time to time in the first 4 weeks of withdrawal, but it is possible to come off the drug without assistance. You must be a well disaplined person and isolate yourself from outside influences. Lock the door and don’t answer your phone, fall off the grid for a while and fight through the depressive state. You will feel sick then it will go away then come back then away again. You have to stay focused on the bigger picture at hand theat is getting and feeling better. Once you start to see light at the end of the tunnel you want to burn all ties to the world of drug use you once knew and gain and maintain your true friends in the recovery process. Belive me this process is hard as shit and most people fail when doing it on their own and need the professional help. Others, have the strength to bounce back, but often are more exposed to situations that may cause a relapse in their newly found, yet weakened state of sobriety, and it is this state that proves and dictates the truly successful and strong willed, all the others end up using again. Heroin is much more addictive than cocaine because it stays in your bone marrow for life, while methanphetamines disolve overtime, but leave phychological scars and relapsing behavior without actaul using again. So my answer to your question is Yes, iy is possible to get over a cocaine addiction without support, but not adviseable and certainly not easy. Good Luck


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