How Long After Doing a Bump of Cocaine Is It Safe to Consume Alcohol Without Forming Cocaetyhlene in the Liver?
Question by noneyabeezwax: How long after doing a bump of cocaine is it safe to consume alcohol without forming cocaetyhlene in the liver?
To avoid the dangerous combination of cocaine and alcohol (cocaethylene) in the liver, how much time would one need to wait after snorting a small bump (not line) of cocaine, before safely having a drink? basically, how long after doing a bump of cociane could a person hypothetically have a drink and not have it form cocaethylene in the liver? the cocaine being of 85% -plus- purity, if that makes a difference?
Best answer:
I would say 2-3 hours on the safe side
Answer by Josie A
lol. where are u getting this pure stuff from?? JK! idk enjoy ur beer!
Cocaine Crisis: Did coked-up bankers cause the credit crunch?
April 29 – As former UK drugs tsar David Nutt blames cocaine use for fueling the financial crisis, we ask whether banking meltdown can really be blamed on th…
the mother of all comedowns!!….yeah!!…love that saying…weve all been
there ha ha
wonder how much the actor got paid to sniff that baking soda.
New On IrieTubeApp Cocaine Crisis: Did coked-up bankers cause the credit
Just like Hitler’s campaign Night of the Long Knives, they go after the
ones who helped them. I’m laughing my ass off.
they banksters have to be on something thats for sure
high-frequency trading is much more dangerous than coke-snorting bankers.
Another cop out blame cocaine. When will these people accept responsibility
and that theycare all children of satan.
Sounds like an over simplistic explanation. At the end of the day, these
day traders don’t have any real skills. They will have to re-think and
leave behind their lives and start anew.
Smirnoff & Sniffing = Madoof = E F Hutton
They should drug test all MP’s.
The coke didn’t snort itself. You can’t blame the coke.