2 Year Deferred Sentence?

Question by Tristan: 2 year deferred Sentence?
If i get revoked on a 2 year deferred sentence will i go to a suspended sentence or to prison. The charge is possession of marijuana with intent. I am in drug court and i’m about to be terminated because i cant pay off my fees. The payments i am making are just keeping me in the same spot. All of my regular court costs are paid. I only owe drug court. This is my first(and hopefully last) felony. Thanks in advance for you advice.
Ive already paid 2500 to drug court and i still owe 2700. It just keeps growing.

Best answer:

Answer by Golden
reference to a “deferred sentence” is normally to a sentence where, if the defendant successfully completes a period of probation, the charge is dismissed without a conviction being entered. The result is that the person can truthfully deny having been convicted of the underlying criminal offense.

If the defendant violates the terms of that probation, the conviction is entered and they are sentenced on the charge.

get these dam fees paid, yo. get them to revise your payment plan if you can. do whatever, work it.


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