Fitchburg Man's Dookhan-Tainted Conviction Is in Limbo

Fitchburg man's Dookhan-tainted conviction is in limbo
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts filed a petition with the state Supreme Judicial Court Thursday asking the court to effectively vacate the drug cases and convictions of more than 40,000 defendants in the wake of Ms. Dookhan's Nov …
Read more on Worcester Telegram


A-Rod suspension reduced to 162 games
A-Rod's drug penalty was for “his use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including testosterone and human growth hormone over the course of multiple years,” MLB said last summer. His punishment under the …
Read more on The Trentonian


Arbitrator's Ruling Banishes the Yankees' Alex Rodriguez for a Season
… by injuries. The suspension amounts to a significant victory for Bud Selig, baseball's longtime commissioner, who in recent years has tried to redefine himself as a chief executive determined to crack down on the use of performance-enhancing drugs …
Read more on New York Times


State prosecutor appeals for cocaine court hearing in camera
The remaining three pleaded guilty with explanation but the court observed that the explanation they gave amounted to a denial of the crime and therefore ordered that they go through a full-scale trial. When the matter was called, two lawyers announced …


Drug Defense Lawyer Somers Point, NJ 866-521-2327 New Jersey Possession Crime
Drug Defense Lawyer Somers Point, NJ 866-521-2327 New Jersey Possession Crime My experience as a former prosecutor — I’ve been a former state prosecutor and…


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