What’s the Big Deal With the Energy Drink Cocaine, When Coke Is Named for the Same Drug?

Question by bwh1214: What’s the big deal with the energy drink Cocaine, when Coke is named for the same drug?
I was watching a news story on one of the cable news networks about the horrible new energy drink Cocaine. I heard from the commentators: how dare they call a drink that and it should be taken off the shelves. Then in the same commentator mentioned how when he was a kid all there was was Coke and Pepsi. I’m pretty sure that Coca-Cola was named for its original main 2 ingredients, the Coca plant from which Cocaine is derived and the Cola bean. I just thought it strange that a doctor’s argument over a publicity stunt was so hypocritical. Any thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Mesalina
Coke doesn’t contain cocaine, contains caffeine.

Answer by odandme
I wondered that also. I know Coca-Cola used to have an extract from the cocaine plant in it, which is why it was called Coke in the first place. Is there cocaine in this new drink too?


3 Responses to “What’s the Big Deal With the Energy Drink Cocaine, When Coke Is Named for the Same Drug?”

  • Roger:

    coke was made long b4 cocaine was known to be a dangerous and addicting drug.
    the drink is knowingly and intentionally named after the drug.

  • Traci_girly:

    Its so stupid we have wars going on and they are making a huge deal about what an energy drink should be called..its ludacris!!Whta is this world coming to?LOL

  • RIA:

    its the fact being that they are luring in kids with the name Cocaine, And the writing on the can looks like lines of coke. They are marketing to appeal to the younger generation. If you pay attention to this site, aall you hear are the kids asking where they can buy the energy drink “Cocaine”. they probly know nothing about it, all they know is it’s probly a cool thing to buy because of the name. And the Coco plant is used for many things. Just like things that are made out of hemp doesnt mean you can light it up and smoke it.