Cocaine/crack Affects?

Question by SUN KiSSED: cocaine/crack affects?
1.affect your neurons/nerves?
2. what are some of it’s affects/symptoms?
3. what are some cures/treatments?

for a science paper……please help.

Best answer:

Answer by bmac
PLEASE look it up yourself.

Answer by kitkatkel24
Cocaine/crack is a potent stimulant which speeds up your central nervous system & causes effects such as confidence, excitability & euphoria, though in many cases it can cause agitation, restlessness & dysphoria. The effect it can have on your brain & nervous system, particularly in high doses & in suseptibal peaople can lead to all kinds of adverse effects affecting particularly your heart and brain! increased blood pressure could lead to stroke, heart attack due to burst blood artery or insufficient oxygen to the heart, fatal arrythmias, the list goes on.. The antidote depends on the symptom!


One Response to “Cocaine/crack Affects?”

  • superstar68:

    .There are many health risks including chest pain,heart problems,lung damage and damage to the nasal passages. Long- term users can suffer mental problems including depression, anxiety and even severe mental illness. Even more dangerous if mixed with other drugs including alcohol. For treatment it is better signing in a rehab. Where counselling is available, many rehabs offer the 12 step program which is very successful.