What Iz 20 Facts About Cocaine?
Question by Dexter_23: What iz 20 facts about cocaine?
What iz 20 facts about cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by anthony jarvis&jasmins mommy
highly addictive, makes heart race, eyes dilate, can be sniffed, shot, smoked, freebased, mixed with other drugs for different effect. that’s all I can think of for now.
Answer by Heladia T
Cocaine is an addictive substance which comes from coca leaves or is made synthetically. This drug acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system.
Cocaine appears as a white powder substance which is inhaled, injected, freebased (smoke), or applied directly to the nasal membrane or gums.
Cocaine gives the user a tremendous “rush.” These chemicals trick the brain into feeling it has experienced pleasure.
Slang terms for cocaine include: Coke, crack, dust, snow, blow, flakes, bloke, bernice, and dream.
Physiological effects include:
Increased heart rate and breathing
increased blood pressure
weight loss
rapid breathing
dilated pupils
cold sweats
blurred vision
nasal congestion.
Personality effects include:
superior attitude
less ambition
argumentativeness/short temper
job problems
denial of responsibility
increased number of accidents h
poor concentration
loss of interest in sex
flattened and dulled emotions.
Health problems include:
Ulceration of the nasal membrane
cardiac arrest
respiratory arrest
physiological seizures
lung damage.
The effects of cocaine occur in 15-20 minutes and disappear in about I hour. The immediate effects are what make cocaine so addicting. The user is willing to endure the lows in order to experience the highs.
Cocaine is highly addictive. Every use of the drug makes the addiction stronger. This addiction can begin almost immediately following the first use. The addiction to cocaine is very strong, therefore, withdrawal symptoms are likely to occur when a person is not using the drug.
Withdrawal symptoms include: Extreme irritability sluggishness nausea disorganized thinking. Although these symptoms may cause discomfort for a brief period of time, the benefits for a person who stops using the drug greatly outweigh an addiction to cocaine.
These benefits include improved health and greater enjoyment of everyday activities.
Pregnant and using cocaine? You risk:
Increased incidence of miscarriage
increased incidence of premature labor
fetal addiction/withdrawal after birth
prenatal strokes due to fluctuations in blood pressure
kidney and respiratory ailments
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
in males, cocaine may attach to the sperm causing damage to the cells of the fetus.
The Extent of Use: The 1993 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reported that 11.3% of those surveyed (aged 12 and older) had used cocaine. Of these, .2% used cocaine once a week or more. 2.2% used in the past year and .6% used in the past month.
In 1992, there were approximately 119,843 emergency room episodes related to cocaine use. Of these: 3.2% were between the ages of 6-17 24.8% were between the ages of 18-25 39.5% were between the ages of 26-34 26.7 1% were 35 and older.
Among these emergency, cocaine-related incidents: 13.55% of the patients were white 56.25% of the patients were black 28.04% of the patients were Hispanic.
Deaths Related to Cocaine: Cocaine in combination with other drugs, was directly related to 3,464 deaths. Among these cocaine-related deaths: 49.61% were male 35.48% were female.
I got 1 it never sees to amaze me that a coke head chic always like to do lines of the penis and lick that always still amazes me and I cant seem to know why but it do that’s a fact for you
it is a stimulant that raises your heart rate.
it blocks reseptors in the brain that usualy keep the pleasur and rewards chemical (dopamine) at a stable level and allows it to flood the body.
highly addictive
increases risk of depression.
It’s white.
1) can be injected, smoked, sniffed, or snorted
2) powdery white substance
3) trace amounts can be found on 4/5 dollar bills
4) 1% of americans addicted to cocaine
5) 9% of americans tried cocaine at one point
6) 2nd most commonly used drug in america
7) stimulant
8) Addiction to drug develops very quickly
9) Stimulant
10) high lasts 15-30 minutes
11) may lead to erratic, violent behavior
12) use peaked in 1983 with 1.5 million new users
13) originally used in medicine
14) Coca Cola was named after cocaine
15) first extracted from the leaf of the Erythroxylon coca bush
16) Schedule 2 drug
17) 2 forms of cocaine
a) hydrochloride salt, or powdered form of cocaine
b) freebase, aka crack, is smoked
18) known as “coke, C, Blank, or blow”
19) very cheap
20) Crack is produced by dissolving powdered cocaine in a mixture of water and ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). The mixture is boiled until a solid substance forms. The solid is removed from the liquid, dried, and then broken into the chunks (rocks) that are sold as crack cocaine.