Can You Unknowingly Be Slipped Cocaine?

Question by ryuzuki06: Can you unknowingly be slipped cocaine?
Asking on behalf of my husband:

One of his soldiers failed a pee test, coming up positive for cocaine. He denies taking cocaine and has always been one of my husband’s best soldiers.

My husbands soldier claims he went to a bar 3 nights before the test and could not remember how he got back on base or the evening beyond his second drink.

My husband wants to stand up for this guy at his article 15 but we cant find any hard evidence that supports his story

I have read that cocaine won’t cause that kind of lapse in memory; maybe he was slipped the date rape drug too?

Can you be slipped cocaine through a drink? If so, would GHB show up on a pee test 3 days later?

Best answer:

Answer by Peach
You may not have thought of this.. but poppyseeds have cocaine measures in it. a Poppy seed cake or muffin could put that in his blood stream too. not in a high quanity . ALso there are false positive tests.. And yea someone can slip something into your drink food and other ingestibles.. watch out there are people and creeps doing that sort of thing…

Answer by Missa
Cocaine does not cause that memory lapse like you mentioned. Cocaine is insufflated or injected not ingested which causes a prolonged and dulled effect. Also, if cocaine was slipped into his drink it would take a near fatal amount to make him forget where he was, and he would have most certainly tasted it in his drink. That and coke is $ 60 a gram, anyone who has it is usually unwilling to share, let alone put enough in a strangers drink to make him black out. It couldn’t be GhB because it only takes 8 hours to completely leave your system, so it would not show up on a drug test 3 days later nor does it have the same drug properties as cocaine and could never be mistaken as they are completely different compounds.

Aside from poppyseed, diabetes, tonic water and amoxicillin can also provide a ‘false poisitve’ for cocaine in a drug test.


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