Who Likes Cocaine?

Question by perch: Who likes cocaine?
Why do you do cocaine?
Does it make you feel good?
Has cocaine had an effect on your life?
Do you like the tastte of cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by two11ll
No. 1 – cocaine addicts
No. 2 – people who like cocaine nearly as much as cocaine addicts

Answer by ZZ
no made me jittery and hateful


4 Responses to “Who Likes Cocaine?”

  • lala:

    Cocaine is the biggest destroyer of the individual who is addict to it ; plus it destroy all member of this family ; plus the addict is burning his life forever ; plus he or she end up in jail ; I don’t care if you believe me or not ; but its the truth

  • Elaina:

    To Lala: Not all cocaine addicts end up in jail. My friend’s uncle was one, but he put himself into rehab and hes never been in jail.

    And to the asker:
    Why would you ask this??
    Anything you’re addicted to makes you feel good, if it made you feel bad then you wouldn’t even like it.
    I’m addicted to something, but its M&Ms. They’re so good. I have to have at least 2 packs a day or I’ll get sick.
    Anytime you stop using something or doing something that your body is use to, then it’ll have to get use to the change and sometimes that causes sickness…also, for addicts, when that happens then they get another dose of the drug of their choice, because nobody likes being sick and doing the drug makes you feel better,
    ^^I don’t know if I’m explaining it right, but I hope you understand. haha
    I’m off to get more M&Ms. See ya!


  • Floppsy:

    Cocaine makes you feel six foot tall, bullet proof and ready to take on the world. As the high comes on it feel like an orgasm. The taste is pretty bad but not as bad as other drugs.

  • Natasha<3:

    haha well i do cocaine, but usually only on weekends!
    i do it because it makes me feel good, and the people i hang around with do it. also i like the feel of having it go up my nose if you get me? (that sounds weird lol)
    yes it makes me feel good, but bad in the morning(only because of money!) espesially if it was rubbish stuff.
    it hasnt had an effect on my life, just makes my weekends better! and i have met some amazing people thru it.
    i like the taste of it, because then i know that it is working and good stuff. i also like when my mouth goes numb =D
    btw..i aint addicted, just do a little bit socially!