Cocaine and “Sudden Death”??
Question by opio-coca: cocaine and “sudden death”??
im wondering about cocaine and the “sudden death syndrome” that is said to be possible when using it. however its rare to find a credible source on drugs considering so many people would rather bury there heads in the sand, or they would gladly beleive and soak up all the propoganda.
personaly i dont do cocaine. i am however interested in how its works.
but right now i am fixated on how it is said that in rare instances it is said to cause random and sudden death. however in these articles saying that it will NEVER explain medicaly why or how this happens.
so if it IS true can someone please explain or provide a link as to what happens when sudden death occurs?
i dont know whether to beleive it, or disregard it as another lie from the war on drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by chihuahualady264
It speeds up your heart immediately, If your heart rate gets too fast BANG
instant heart attack.
Answer by paul264
Here is the link for one scientific study conducted in regards to sudden death among recreational cocaine users: .
I have had no experience with cocaine use myself, but if you would like to find more peer review articles, try and type in your search terms. Most of the information there is from reliable sources.
Cocaine is a really bad drug. The reason it can cause sudden death, is because it has an interesting property. Cocaine was originally used as an anesthetic. Most anesthetics cause blood vessels to dilate, but interestingly cocaine cause them to constrict. What happens is, the vessels of the heart to constrict, causing a heart attack. It also causes, among other things, heart arhythmias. But, the bottom line is that cocaine causes your blood vessels to get smaller