Mixing Klonopin and Cocaine.?
Question by Jessica O: Mixing Klonopin and Cocaine.?
Okay my friend is prescribed klonopin 1mg. She is not addicted to cocaine and doesn’t regularly use it. She has been sniffing some coke today and she wants to take her klonopin to go to sleep BUT I need to know if thats a bad idea. I need to know from someone who actually knows what their talking about. Don’t be ignorant I’m just a concerned friend. Would she be okay if she took her klonopin after doing cocaine. Thats all I want to know.
Best answer:
Answer by Tom Cobnut
dont do it man
Answer by Ian C
Since cocaine is metabolized by the CYP in the liver, and so is clonazepam, then the effects of both would be augmented. He should wait for a few hours after the effect of the cocaine goes away (cocaine’s half-life is just an hour) to take the Klonopin.
no,it wouldn’t be okay for her to take it,if she has already used another drug,as it would possiblely do great harm to her,even could kill her.