Cocaine Use Signs??????
Question by alex: Cocaine use signs??????
My dad is sweating non stop.HE KEEPS TALKING scatching himself everywhere his neck is red, the tip of his nose. his fce is BASICALLY PURE RED. IM WORRIED. IS THIS COCAINE USE? hes known for this
Best answer:
Answer by Boss
look for white powder in his stache
Answer by ?????? ?ƒ ????
Shaking hands?
Can’t sit still?
Sounds like cocaine use.
If you’re suspicious of drug use, I would say it sound like pain killers or other opiates similar to herion. The numbness caused by pain killers give the sensation of itching which in turn causes the users to scratch a lot. Also, the sweats and talking are both common with both opiates and cocaine.
If you find you dad is abusing drugs, there is plenty of help out there like AA.
I hope this helps.
(best answer please)