What Is Worse Crack or Cocaine?
Question by Bboy Breakdance Breakin’: What is worse Crack or Cocaine?
My friend says cocaine is worse. I say it’s crack. Which is worse? Have details and I’ll give you the Best Answer.
Best answer:
Answer by Fire Blade 24
I’d say crack , because it is more readily available , and is mich cheaper
Answer by Just Me
ummm….they will both kill you equally. No drug is better than another…they ARE ALL BAD!!
Crack cocaine is a solid, smokable form of cocaine and is a highly addictive drug popular for its intense psychoactive high. It is a freebase form of cocaine that is made using baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a process to convert cocaine hydrochloride (powder cocaine) into methylbenzoylecgonine (freebase cocaine).
There is no difference at all.
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