Cocaine and Marijuana? Is It Addictive?
Question by drew_livin: Cocaine and Marijuana? Is it addictive?
I have a friend who claims that cocaine is not an addictive drug. He also says that he has friends who do cocaine and aren’t addicted to it and can get off it anytime they want. Is cocaine an addictive drug?
Is marijuana a gateway drug? I know a lot of people who started off smoking marijuana and went on to try stronger drugs. If it is a gateway drug, how so? Oh, and does the commercials of marijuana have any affect on people trying marijuana?
Best answer:
Answer by sunberry
Yes. Yes. And about the commercials, I believe they only affect the people who haven’t started yet. Those who already started already believe doing drugs is fine.
Answer by jecko12
I think YOU might be an addict for asking such a stupid question.
coke is addicting.but somepeople can have control over it.proven.
pot is NOT a gateway drug.f-that!
and the commercails, couldnt tell ya,i think they are lame.
Cocaine is. I don’t believe Marijuana is addictive. A lot of people will say it is ….and I think it can be a gateway drug…it all depends…my bff smokes weed but she would never ever do any other drugs. I’ve also known people who smoked weed and went on to harder drugs. I think weed is less harmful than alochol..
Cocaine is STUPID! I don’t understand why people use h’core drugs knowing they are addicitve
Marijuana and cocaine are both addictive.
I smoke marijuana, and I’ve never done coke or heroin, or anything. Mostly just pills. To help me sleep.
But for some people it is a gateway drug, because they burn out on weed and need a new drug to get them high.
The Above the Influence commercials?
Obviously not.
DO NOT do not do Not ,do cocaine.
Cocaine is highly addictive and it might seem “cool” now but after you do it people will look at you differently as a dirtbag. And when boys find out you do hard drugs like that they dont want to be bothered with it EVEN if they do it or have done it. Coke causes many problems and you will regret, even if you might loose some “freinds” because you wont do it now. My best freind did it, every boy used to love her now she has no freinds and everyone thinks she a dirtbag
thats stupid of course It’s Addictive!
that sounds like something an Adict would say, which just goes to show you….it’s addicting.. and yes Marijuana is a gateway drug!!