Can I Get Blamed for the Pot?
Question by Willie: Can I get blamed for the pot?
A few weeks ago me and some friends went joy riding in my moms car. We are all minors. I was driving when a police officer pulled us over. We had drugs in the car. My buddy sam told the officer all of the drugs were his at the scene of the crime and the rest of us pretended we did not know he had them. He has to go to court for that and I have to go for driving without a license. There was four of us. Sam is the one I was friends with the other two were his friends really. Sam decided to tell his mom the that I had bought the drugs and given them to him because I felt guilty. So he plans to plead not guilty at court. I am worried they will check text records between me and the dealer and see that It says i bought them because sam told me in person he was texting the dealer of my phone and I wont be able to prove that it was him. Can he decide to change his mind and tell the court it was mine or is it too late for him? The drugs were found by the officer in sam’s possession. Worst of all he has convinced the other two to say they were mine two. Is there a chance I will be blamed?
Remember he specifically told the officer at the scene that they were his drugs. Also I forgot to say that it was illegal for the cop to even ask if we had drugs because we were minors so will his lawyer be able to get the charges dropped because of that?
If I brake my phone will that get that problem out of the way? And the officer did write a report saying the drugs were found on sam and that he said they were all his..
Best answer:
Answer by Marissa Trallem
Evidence “proves” it was you, dummy. If you’re gonna blaze, don’t joyride too.. Jesus.
Answer by Dirty
Yes you can get in trouble.
Traffic stop in Ocean Springs leads to three arrests on drug charges
OCEAN SPRINGS, Mississippi — A routine traffic stop in Ocean Springs Wednesday led to the arrest of three people on various drug charges, including felony possession of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. According to Ocean Springs Police Capt …
Read more on Mississippi Press (blog)
Pennsylvania woman pleads guilty to Augusta heroin possession
Jacob R. Chambers, 23, of Winslow, unlawful possession of scheduled drug May 25, 2013, in Waterville; $ 400 fine. • Derek C. Creasy, 31, of Freedom, burglary and theft April 10, 2013, in Albion; eight years in prison concurrent to a sentence in Waldo …
Read more on Morning Sentinel
Yes, there is a chance you will be blamed for the drugs. Your facts are unclear as how exactly it went down with the police stop, but basically, drugs were found in your/your mom’s car, which you were driving. Three people may testify that the drugs were yours AND there are texts from you to a drug dealer regarding the drugs.
That sounds like a really good chance you’ll get blamed. Hire an attorney.
There is a decent chance that you could get in serious trouble. He could change his testimony, and more likely than not that will seem a bit suspicious to the jury, so you may get away clear. However, because he has two “witnesses”, and “evidence” that you were texting the dealer, even if he was using your phone to do so, with no way to prove otherwise you could potentially take the fall. What would help is if there was a written report by the officer who pulled you over.
the police do not have time to deal with little pot problems. If they didn’t nail you on the spot, just keep your mouth shut and you’ll be fine.
“There is a decent chance that you could get in serious trouble. He could change his testimony, and more likely than not that will seem a bit suspicious to the jury, so you may get away clear. However, because he has two “witnesses”, and “evidence” that you were texting the dealer, even if he was using your phone to do so, with no way to prove otherwise you could potentially take the fall. What would help is if there was a written report by the officer who pulled you over.”
Kevin, you’re an idiot. Minors don’t have a “jury” and this is a fucking marijuanna possession charge. It’s about the equivalent of a speeding ticket in severity. there is 90% chance hes not even going to take on an attorney. Courts and police are stretched on resources and they’re not going to launch a full on investigation over a kid smoking some weed. They’re going to give him probabtion for like 2 months and maybe make him take 1 class a week on drug awareness. They’re not going to start checking phone logs and conversations and spend thousands of dollars worth of man hours investigating and prosecuting this.
“Minors go to jail till their 18. So blame it on them. Your lawyer will tell the police and judge everything you say. Way it works kid.”
Kyle, you too are a baboon. Minors don’t go to jail till they’re (not their) 18, they would go to a juvenile detention center.
Jesus christ, you guys are complete idiots. Is this full of a bunch of high school freshmen who are half way through their first criminal justice course? My god. Juvenile courts dont have juries, they dont send you to jail or prison, and first time offenders get off easy 99.99% of the time, and lastly, judges and cops have a LOT on their plates. They’re not going to waste time on petty charges like this.
Willie, My man, don’t break your phone. Relax. there is a pretty small chance you’ll even have to appear in court. If on the off chance your friend tries to pin this on you and the judge actually takes the time to issue you a summons and go through a trial. Just tell him. literally say “yeah, i bought some marijuana from him, it was stupid, i havent done it since, and i dont plan on doing it again.” you wont go to “jail” or even a juvenile detention center for your first offence dude, or your second, third, or even your fifth. Mere possession of small amounts of marijuana is an extremely common and minor charge. literally dont worry about it.
four friends no more. everyman for himself. your phone your deal you will be blamed.