What Are the After Effects of Cocaine?
Question by Genevieve: What are the after effects of cocaine?
I live with my brother and I know he does drugs. Even if I tell him to stop he won’t but I was wondering if he does cocaine one night what will be the side effects for the next morning? Is it the same to a hang-over with alcohol? Because his door is always locked and he won’t come out until three in the afternoon or later. I’m trying to learn as much as possible.
Best answer:
Answer by Racer
Oh yeah…. depending on how much you do, you can feel like a big piece of sh*t the next morning… and it takes a while to go away….that’s why you don’t see him till later in the day.
Answer by the_only_solorose
cocaine can and does alter genetic code in the dna….your brother will likely produce defective kids if he ever tries to have any and he actually survives the drug use.
Google Cocaine, there is tons of information.
Not the same a alc… He will most likly not sleep until early hrs of the morning like 7am or 8am when he wakes he will be scattered… much easier to deal with then a hangover. Sometimes depending on how much you do you can be scattered for a few days they use the term come down because his moods may be very down for a few days leter because of the huge high he gets from the drugs
What you want to do is find his coke one day, and swap it for baking soda, straight. He won’t want to snort much shit for a while after having baking soda up his nose.