The Illegal Drug Cocaine?

Question by baby: the illegal drug cocaine?
discuss the economic effects of cocaine plzzzzzz

Best answer:

Answer by GaryR
Wow!!! What a broad, broad, broad question. I don’t think anyone could “discuss” this question in a sentence or two. But, cocaine is very costly to society because cocaine addicts tend to commit crimes to get their supply, also are unproductive to society because they usually can’t work. And it would take days of discussion to cover the most superficial level of the criminal activities smuggling this drug into the country, and the human cost of life in Mexico as well as on this side of the border from the murderous Narcotraficantes. Then there’s the cost to society for incarcerating the drug dealers and smugglers, and for law catch the dealers in the first place. That could also include the cost of prisons. There’s also the tragic loss of life that comes from taking cocaine, sometimes from the very first – and last – hit. Then there’s the cost for emergency medical treatment when these addicts come into the ER and must be treated, and the diversion of the talents of many doctors and nurses who could be caring for people who cared about their health, but instead must waste entire shifts attempting to save addicts.. Then we could discuss the loss of revenue to the tax man because these people can’t hold down jobs, or the loss of purchasing power because all their money is going to drug dealers, not to merchants. And I’m just tossing the first few ideas that cross my mind at you. I couldn’t give you a dollar amount, but it’s got to be in the billions for America.


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