How Do Cocaine Produeced?

Question by darweesh: how do cocaine produeced?
what is the suplements and components of cocaine ?and what are the steps of manifactoring it? and what is the countries that are professional in planting it ? and what is the plant name ? and how they store it?

Best answer:

Answer by reckless
by the government

Answer by Jasonnnn
The only thing I know of it is it’s probably like Columbian. I’m not sure what it’s made of or whatever… but all I know is that it costs a lot of money.

They store and transport it all kinds of ways.. in Health one time, my teacher said they sometimes use balloons, put the cocaine in there, EAT IT, then go to another country, and —- it out. Then they get it again.

I don’t know how it’s manufactured… sorry.

If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to know about this?


4 Responses to “How Do Cocaine Produeced?”

  • PWNED!!1 noOb:

    Cocaine is made from the cocobean (that’s why it’s so big in Columbia) then they add everyday household poisons to the mix so it really fecks you up.

  • Stephanie:

    do we have coke on the brain or what?!

  • reengler:

    Cocaine is an extra from coca leaves. The leaves are shredded and soaked in acid (hydrochloric or sulfuric) then extracted with an organic solvent (benzene, methyl ethyl ketone, lots of other choices). The organic solvent is evaporated to obtain cocaine as the chloride or bisulfate salt.

    It’s mostly grown in countries in northern South America (Columbia, Peru, Bolivia).

  • jorganos:

    Cocaine is an alcaloid that is extracted from coca leaves. Its abuse by addicts for its invigorating properties by far outweighs its pharmaceutical value as local anaesthetic.

    The coca plant is native to the Andes, where unextracted coca leaves are used by natives to the same effect as coffee or tea – prepared as lemonade or chewed. Until forceful intervention by US agencies, coca plantations for that purpose were legal, and there are certain legal organisations that promote legal plantation of coca leaves in the region.

    Export of the leaves or refined products is restricted or prohibited. Illegal exports usually transport only refined cocaine, for space reasons. Dealers then mix it with (hopefully) neutral substances for street sale.

    The extraction process mostly is done in the columbian equivalent of garage labs, usually situated near the coca fields, so that no long term storage of the leaves is planned by criminal planters. Legal planters dry the leaves – no idea how or whether this affects the alcaloid content.

    Harmful substances (other than cocaine itself) may remain in impure cocaine, or may be added by dealers.

    Unlike hemp, there have been no major reports yet of home-grown coca plants. The effort seems to outweigh the possible criminal profits.