Is This What Cocaine Looks Like?

Question by G: Is this what cocaine looks like?
My freind got a bag of MDMA and it wasnt crystals he got ripped off he took a bump and it was a numbing sensation so im wondering if its cocaine. Its chunky thick white powder and it sticks kind of.

Best answer:

Answer by Justin
Sounds like coke to me.

Answer by shawn
Do alot of it and see what happens imo….


3 Responses to “Is This What Cocaine Looks Like?”

  • Carmen:

    what i’ve read no that is not cocain.

    answer mine plz?

  • parsnipianna:

    People who will sell you bogus drugs do not have your interests in mind, agreed?

    So maybe it’s no drug at all.

    Cocaine isn’t cheap, why would they use cocaine to rip you off?

    Are you high???

    Throw the sh * t away, dude, you got burned, don’t risk getting dead, too.

  • Jefferson:

    Cocaine can be chunky and a little sticky, but I agree with the above statement that if somebody was gonna rip you off and sell you something other than what you thought you were buying, they would use something common and cheap rather than selling you cocaine and saying it is MDMA.