Risks of Cocaine Use Once?
Question by : Risks of cocaine use once?
Risks of cocaine use for the first time and the likely-hood of it (the risk) happening.
Best answer:
Answer by Semtex
The main risk is that you’ll blow all your cash on a drug which is overrated and overpriced, I’ve never been impressed by coke.
Answer by Katie
Death by over dose
cocaine is highly addictive so its gonna be hard to do it just once..
You cant use cocaine just once dude. I tried, and thought it be just like smoking weed, i would just do it the once and then no more..unfortunately the risks are pretty serious.. Overdosing is extremely easy to do, which will possibly lead to you demise. Sucks huh? Wanna know what its made out of?
Diesel fuel
Sulfuric Acid
Coco Leaves (but barely any) the purest form of cocaine isnt even white, its brown. White coke is bad coke.
Still wanna stick that up your nose? Go for it. But im telling you, the high that you get is NOT worth it. I did it a ton for about 6 months, got nose bleeds at random points of time, even after i quit i was still getting the nose bleeds, to say it was embarrassing would be an understatement.
Dont do it bro. Ive seen lives taken, and lives ruined from iit.