Cocaine Possession Charge?

Question by Jessica R: cocaine possession charge?
how long will someone get in jail if they violate their probation on a cocaine possession charge
in florida

Best answer:

Answer by peter
Anywhere from 6 months to 6 years. depends on the circmstances.

Answer by Ben
You don’t mention a state and sentencing is different for each. Under federal sentencing gidelines, possession of 5gs or more of crack cocaine or 500 gs of powdwer cocaine will get you a mandatory minimum of 5 years in prison. Of course, that would be in addition to being held without bail for the probation violation until being taken before a judge for the original offense. A judge has the option of imposing a portion or the full sentence for the original charge.

EDIT: Florida – up to $ 5,000 fine and/or up to 5 years prison for the cocaine possession alone and additional time held for the violation to see a judge and then sentenced to a portion or the full original time that you were doing probation on.


Pops Staples Miss Cocaine
A take on the cocaine scene in the USA From the album “Peace To The Neighborhood.


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