Is It Illegal for a Minor to Possess a Hookah and or Rolling Papers in Colorado?
Question by Robert J: Is it illegal for a minor to possess a hookah and or rolling papers in Colorado?
I caught my son with both of these and I’m wondering if I hadn’t found it if there would have been any legal ramifications.
Best answer:
Answer by wowhl2
I don’t know. You should check with the local authorities, I live in Ohio, and I don’t think its illegal for a minor to have rolling paper. As long as we don’t have weed.
Answer by NYPD.Hwy505.
“Possession of Drug Paraphernalia” – check your local jurisdiction. Some are more liberal than others. Residue in the hookah can be applied to possession.
In itself it isn’t illegal to have them, but if he’s using it for smoking pot or drugs, yes. If you are thinking about turning him in, the police will only take them. Most police don’t even arrest people with small quantities. If you are a parent and it looks like its been used, you have every right to take it away from him.
At the same time, no need to make a federal case out of it. Just be firm and tell him straight, they’re not allowed in your house. You can joke about and say you want him to feel your pain.
That way, you’ve laid down the rules and he knows it’s over. If he says it’s not his, let him know it doesn’t matter. You can a Also let him know, it’s not allowed and you know he’s done it and you’re hurt because it’s not the way you have tried to raise him.
Colorado in specific i do not know. i did google it by the way.
short answer is
Theyre mightve been a problem with the law but just because it would be hard to get caught with a hookah and because rolling papers dont mean anything especially if theres nothing inside of them.
They dont ussually make a big deal of drug paraphernalia
Long answer that explains more.
i do know that in most of the states ive been to or lived in its illegal for a minor to have tobacco but anything that has to do with smoking tobacco ((Assuming that’s what hes smoking)) is a different story, unless there is illegal product, residue on it.
that part gets complicated…
chances are he would never get caught by a cop because of these two reasons.
Hookahs are too big and easily broken if taken out and not taken care of.. you have to hold it right or it will fall apart and break!
rolling papers mean nothing.
there is hookah bars everywhere, and rolling papers everywhere, most people DONT smoke marijuana or anything illegal from a hookah but its possible.
which leads me into talking about ((Possession of Drug Paraphernalia))
There would have to be some sort of drug residue on it for him to get into real trouble, but besides that he probably would only get in trouble for smoking tobacco.
Youd have to talk to someone like a local cop to figure out the REAL ANSWER. because it does vary in citys and states and on if you are high when caught or if you dont look shady or if you do look shady and all this big confusing mess.
(just like when you get pulled over and they suspect youve been drinking, it depends on if your slurring or being shady if they will check your car or give you a dui test.)