Cocaine Possession Laws: Alberta Town’s Cocaine Use Saddens Judge – CNEWS

Cocaine Possession Laws: Alberta town’s cocaine use saddens judge – CNEWS
“While years ago the issue of illegal possession of cocaine rarely came before the Provincial Court of Alberta in St. Paul, in recent years the issue has been arising with increasing frequency, not only on the criminal docket lists but also in family law …
Cocaine Possession Laws – Bing News

Cocaine Possession Laws: Crack offenders eligible for early release –
Under that law, a person convicted of crack possession got the same mandatory prison term as someone with 100 times the amount of powdered cocaine. Five grams of crack, about the weight of five packets of Sweet N’Low, brought a mandatory five years behind …
Cocaine Possession Laws – Bing News

Cocaine Possession Laws: Synthetic Marijuana Wholesaler Sues After Missouri Authorities Raid Retailers – Riverfront Times (blog)
Governor Jay Nixon signed into law House Bill 641 outlawing the possession and sale of all forms of synthetic marijuana and “bath salts” said to mimic the effects of cocaine. The new law doesn’t go into effect until August 28 and therein lies the rub.
Cocaine Possession Laws – Bing News

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